Maider Eizmendi Iraola
Maider Eizmendi Iraola is a professor at the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Graduated in Journalism and Social and Cultural Anthropology, PhD in Social Communication at the UPV / EHU and Masters in Equality between Women and Men.
She has worked as a journalist for 16 years in the newspaper Gara. As a professor at the UPV/EHU, she has taught Photojournalism, Informative writing, Press edition, Web News Content Creation and Reporting, and Multimedia edition and production.
A member of the Gureiker research group work team, she has published several articles in academic journals and has presented communications at national and international conferences.
Lines of research
Cyberjournalism, media and gender, scientific journalism, science dissemination.
- Eizmendi-Iraola, Maider & Fernández-Peña, Simón (2021). ¿Fewer and Later: Women as Experts in TED Talks about COVID-19. Journalism and media, 2(4).
- Eizmendi-Iraola, Maider & Fernández-Peña, Simón (2021). ¿Desaparecidas o escondidas? Análisis de la presencia de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades en las versiones online de The Guardian, El País y Público. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 6 (1).
- Eizmendi-Iraola, Maider (2021). Emakume zientzialariak ziber-hedabideen garaian. Euskonews, 764.
- Eizmendi-Iraola, Maider (2020). Emakume zientzialariak euskal ziber-hedabideetan. Saretu behar den hiru erpineko ikerketa: informazio iturriak. Mediatika. Cuadernos de medios de comunicación, 18.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5894-8238