Cómo publicar

Instructions for publication

Requirements and procedures

General requirements

  • The applicant must send the pertinent form and submit the original with the final version of the text proposed for publication together with the corresponding images, graphics, tables, etc.
  • Texts in Basque must be accompanied by a language certificate of the Basque Service of the University of the Basque Country.
  • In collective texts, publishers should ensure uniformity in the form of citation and in the bibliography, which, in addition, must follow a standard.
  • The publication should be handed over on paper, in CD/DVD format, PDF file or EPUB file.
  • In all cases the Editorial Service will process the ISBN number and the Legal Deposit.

Send documentation to:  registro.editorial@ehu.eus

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Servicio Editorial / Argitalpen Zerbitzua
Edificio Biblioteca / Liburutegi Nagusia
Bº Sarriena s.n.
48940 LEIOA (Bizkaia)

1. Titles for series and collections

They must be originals of undeniable scientific, historical or humanistic interest and the publication proposal can be made by the authors or the members of the Editorial Council.

These works must undergo a peer review and bear the ehupress seal of quality.

A thorough orthotypographic revision is made to all works published in the Series or collections of the Editorial Service, in order to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the texts.

The books of series and collections of the UPV / EHU, published since 2011, are in the Book Citation Index, of the company Clarivate Analytics. This is the most prestigious book index.

2. University text books

These are books, mainly manuals, intended for students concerning subject matters that are considered to be basic didactic material. They require a certificate issued by the Board of the Department related with the subject, stating the didactic interest and certifying that the contents correspond to the programme of the aforementioned subject.

3. Conferences, congresses, scientific meetings, research works, tributes or any other university event

These books will be published in accordance with the general criteria of opportunity and quality under the scientific responsibility and financing of the Centres, Departments, Institutes, Projects or other University structures of the UPV/EHU.

4. Monographs

This section includes the works that do not fall into the previous categories, but which are considered by the Editorial Council to be of scientific, academic or institutional interest. These publications must be totally or partially self-financed through co-publishing contracts, official subsidies, etc.