Textos Clásicos del Pensamiento Político y Social en el País Vasco

1. Collection guiderlines
The objective of this collection is to recover and make available some of the most significant intellectual works on various political and social issues including: administration, institutions and public powers, constitutionalism and parliamentarianism, ideologies, forms of government, legal and political debates, etc., that were written by Basque authors (or that deal with matters directly related to the Basque Country) throughout history, especially during the last centuries. The selection and processing of the texts comprising the collection, books, brochures, press articles, even sometimes unpublished texts, will be made and has always been made from a rigorously technical point of view, oblivious to all bias, open to all hermeneutics and any of the currently accepted methodological trends in the academic world. From the viewpoint of the chronological period covered by the collection, the proposed texts must have been written before the 1960s.
2. Start date
3. Director
José Luis de la Granja Sainz
Professor of Contemporary History at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) since 1990. University lecturer since 1978, lecturing at the UPV/EHU since 1981. He has been a UNED tutor and visiting professor in the universities of Nevada (Reno, USA), Provence (France) and Alicante (Spain). He has been awarded six 6-year quality research periods (sexenios) and has been positively evaluated by the UPV/EHU with a distinction of excellence.
Research lines: history of Basque nationalism, the II Republic, the Spanish Civil War, contemporary historiography, biographies of political leaders and Basque bibliographic history. He is a member of six scientific societies dedicated to History and Basque Studies. As well as being a member of the board of eight History and Social Science journals, he is coeditor of four issues of the journal Historia Contemporánea (UPV/EHU).
He has presented seminars and communications in seventy congresses dealing with contemporary history, having organized and published the actas of a number of them.
He has directed or participated in 20 research projects and is a member of the UPV/EHU Consolidated Research Group called “El nacionalismo Vasco en perspectiva comparada” (Basque nationalism from a comparative perspective). He has authored more than 250 publications including books, collective book chapters, articles and reviews in a variety of both national and international History and Social Science journals. His most recent publications include: Vidas cruzadas: Prieto y Aguirre. Los padres fundadores de Euskadi (Crossed lives: Prieto and Aguirre. The founding fathers of Euskadi) (with Luis Sala), La España del siglo XX a debate. Homenaje a Manuel Tuñón de Lara (Debating 20th Century Spain. A tribute to Manuel Tuñón de Lara) (as coordinator) and Breve historia de Euskadi. De los Fueros a nuestros días (A short history of Euskadi. From the Charters to today) (with Santiago de Pablo and Coro Rubio).
For his full CV, see: www.joseluisdelagranja.com
4. Committees
4.1. Editorial Board
- Javier Fernández Sebastián (UPV/EHU)
- Jon Arrieta (UPV/EHU)
- José Luis de la Granja (UPV/EHU)
- José María Portillo (UPV/EHU)
- Andoni Iturbe (Parlamento Vasco)
- Montserrat Auzmendi (Parlamento Vasco)
- Coro Rubio (UPV/EHU)
- Belén Altuna (UPV/EHU)
- Leyre Arrieta (Universidad de Deusto)
- Ludger Mees (UPV/EHU)
- Alberto López Basaguren (UPV/EHU)
- Mikel Urquijo (UPV/EHU)
- Javier Tajadura (UPV/EHU)
4.2. Functions
The main duty of the board is to propose new titles and advise the director on anything relating to the works and authors agreed to be included in the collection. There is a Technical Committee that meets annually to decide on the next publications.
4.3. Advisory Board
- Miguel Artola (Real Academia de la Historia and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Juan Pablo Fusi (Real Academia de la Historia and Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Pablo Fernández Albaladejo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Bartolomé Clavero (Universidad de Sevilla)
- Carmen Iglesias (Real Academia de la Historia and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- José Álvarez Junco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Mary Nash (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Mercedes Cabrera (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Jon Juaristi (Universidad de Alcalá)
- Ángeles Barrio (Universidad de Cantabria)
- Paul Preston (London School of Economics & Political Science)
- Walther L. Bernecker (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Alfonso Botti (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
- Xavier Gil Pujol (Real Academia de la Historia and Universitat de Barcelona)
5. Instructions for authors submitting original manuscripts
The length can vary considerably for each work depending on its characteristics. Proposals of very different kinds will be accepted, provided that the editors consider them interesting enough to publish. With regard to the introductory study for each work, and although exceptions to the rule may be accepted at this point, the advisable length would range between a minimum of 50 pages and a maximum of 100.
Once approved by the board and the assessors, the author/editor will be responsible for editing the original texts, which will include a bibliography or list of sources, as well as any notes deemed necessary for the proper understanding of the text in its historical context. It is advisable that exchanges of documents with the editorial service are made by electronic means. Throughout the phase prior to correcting the first checks, the text files will preferably be in Word.
6. Information on the manuscript selection process
The collection management, with the advice of the Technical Committee and possibly the other members of the Board, proposes texts for publication and receives suggestions from potential authors/editors.
Once adopted by the Technical Committee, which meets regularly during the last quarter of the year to decide on its interest or which book to publish, the management entrusts the editing of the work to a competent academic, researcher or specialist in the area, ideology or the author in question. This process usually takes approximately one year.
The original (which includes both the introductory study and the work, or collection of small works to be re-edited) is sent to two external assessors from a possible list proposed by the director, with the assistance of the board or Technical Committee. Once the assessment reports have been received by the Editorial Service (under the double-blind peer review system), and provided that these reports advise that the work be published, the director of the collection will get in touch with the Editorial Service to send the assessments to the author so that they can make the advised corrections before final approval.