Philology and Linguistics series

1. Series Guidelines
In the Philology and Linguistics series we publish original books dedicated to analysis and research in these two disciplines. In the series, there may be works by a single author as well as collective volumes, but they will always be of proven scientific interest and written by expert authors in their subjects. Therefore, the series includes works that deal with, among others, the following topics: synchronic and diachronic linguistics, theoretical and applied, literary criticism, literature history, philological editing of texts, dialectology and linguistic typology. The series does not have a regular periodicity, but the aim is to publish two books a year.
2. Start date
3. Director
Gidor Bilbao Telletxea (Bermeo, 1965)
PhD in Classical Philology. Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the UPV/EHU. Member of the Monumenta Linguae Vasconum research group. Corresponding academic of Euskaltzaindia. Director of the Uztaro scientific journal.
He has taught Latin and Latin literature, as well as information management for translators and interpreters. He teaches ancient Basque literature and editing of ancient Basque texts at the postgraduate level.
He has been secretary and vice-dean of the Faculty of Arts, Director of the Basque Translation Service at the UPV-EHU, and Vice-Rector for Basque Language and Multilingualism at the UPV/EHU. He has contributed to the creation of the Mikel Laboa Chair, which aims to promote scientific research on Basque art and folklore, as well as artistic creation. He is also collaborating on editorial activity and the publication of university textbooks of the UEU (Basque Summer University).
4. Scientific Committee
4.1. Members
Gidor Bilbao Telletxea. Professor of Latin Philology (Department of Classical Studies, UPV/EHU) | |
Carlos Cid Abasolo. Professor of Basque Philology (Department of Romance Philology, Slavic Philology & General Linguistics, Complutense University of Madrid) | |
Ricardo Etxepare. Directeur de recherche at CNRS (IKER UMR 5478, Bayona) | |
Joseba Gabilondo Alberdi. Associate Professor, 19th/20th Peninsular Studies (Departamento de Estudios Románicos y Clásicos, Michigan State University) | |
Miren Lourdes Oñederra Olaizola. Professor of Basque Philology (Department of Linguistics & Basque Studies, UPV/EHU) | |
Lola Pons Rodríguez. Professor of Spanish Language (Department of Spanish Language, Linguistics & Theory of Literature, University of Seville). |
4.2. Functions
The Scientific Committee for the series is an advisory and consultative body who reports to the Series Director.
Its main function is to advise on how to improve the quality of the series and propose external evaluators. Its members do not carry out the function of external evaluators, except in cases where, given their knowledge on certain subjects, their opinions are essential.
5. Instructions for authors submitting original manuscripts
Originals should be sent to the Editorial Service address (, along with the duly completed publication request form.
Originals should be submitted without including the author/authors' data, with 2 copies in electronic format: one as a PDF and the other in editable format (DOC/ODT/RTF). The Editorial Service may request a printed copy of the work if it considers it necessary.
Works should be previously unpublished and the product of original research. Text editions should include an introduction and a notes section. Collective works must have a unified format (titles, quotations, bibliography, etc.).
The texts presented must be completed in their entirety (wording, notes, bibliography, indices, illustrations, etc.) and have the reproduction permits that may be required.
In all cases, the original must conform to the standards set out in Annex I to the Manual de Publicaciones del Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. (UPV/EHU Editorial Service Publications' Handbook).
6. Information on the manuscript selection process
The process for presentation and evaluation of originals will be governed by the principles of rigour, transparency and guarantee of anonymity of the evaluation, and will be carried out by means of the procedure of double-blind peer evaluation.
The evaluation process will proceed as follows:
- The Editorial Service Managers will carry out the initial analysis regarding the suitability of the work, after consulting with the Series Managers.
- Having passed this first filter, the Editorial Service Managers and the Series Managers, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, will choose two people as external evaluators specialising in the subject in question. The Editorial Service Managers will request the reviewers to submit their reports within a period of no more than sixty days from the sending of the original work.
- On reviewing the external evaluation reports, the Series Managers, after consulting with the Evaluation Committee, will decide whether or not to accept the publication:
- The issuance of two favourable reports would recommend the publication of the work, which may be subject to modifications based on the suggestions and recommendations contained in the external evaluation reports.
- The issuance of two unfavourable reports would advise against publication of the work.
- In the event of a conflict between one favourable and one unfavourable evaluation, a third report may be requested.
Once the evaluation process has been completed, the Series Editors will communicate by e-mail to the author, in the light of the aforementioned evaluations, the decision whether or not to accept the manuscript and, if accepted, any proposed corrections.
Should the work require corrections, these would be forwarded by e-mail to the Editorial Service Managers within a period of no more than 30 days from the date of receipt of notification of corrections. The author(s) will resend the revised manuscript, with the corrections clearly made and indicated.