Economics & Business

1. Series Guidelines
The Economics and Business series includes diverse publications. They are, however, always related to topics of interest within the field of Economics and Business Administration and Management, as well as the financial world. The topics to be treated are therefore varied, covering, among others, texts related to economic history, marketing, finance, business management, economic analysis, environmental economics, economic policy, econometrics, etc.
This series encompasses both specialized texts and publications aimed at a more general public, who do not need to have specific knowledge on the subject. In both cases, the quality of the text is guaranteed by the need to undergo a double-blind peer evaluation prior to publication.
Finally, it should be noted that all texts submitted for evaluation and possible publication will be treated with the utmost rigour and it is intended that the decision taken should be notified to the authors in a period of less than four months.
2. Start date
3. Director
Josu Arteche González
- Doctor of Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science from the University of London
- Full Professor of the Department of Applied Economics III (Econometrics and Statistics) at the UPV / EHU
- Three 6-year periods of recognised research
- Author of two books on teaching and more than 20 articles in prestigious, high impact international journals (Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Time Series Analysis, etc.)
- Main Researcher on several projects within the National R&D Plan for the Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness, continuously since 2003.
- Supervised two doctoral theses
- Head of the Doctoral Programme in Economics (Economic Analysis, Quantitative Techniques in Economics & Public Economics) of the UPV / EHU.
- Head of the Post-Graduate (Master's & Doctorate) in Economics: Instruments of Economic Analysis, offered by the Universities of the Basque Country, Oviedo and Cantabria from its creation until 2009
- Head of the Doctorate in Economics: Instrumentos del Análisis Económico, con Mención hacia la Excelencia, from 2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of several scientific organizations
- Member of the international scientific society ERCIM
- More information
4. Scientific Committee
4.1. Members
The members of the Scientific Committee for the Series work on an individual and altruistic basis. They are as follows:
- Gabriel Pérez Quirós. Head of the Macroeconomic Analysis Unit of Banco España (more info.)
- Amaia Maseda García. Head of the Department of Financial Economy I and Vice-rector of Projection & Transfer at the UPV / EHU.
- Florentino Felgueroso. Head of the Chair of Human Capital and Employment of the Foundation for the Study of Applied Economics (Fedea) and Professor of the University of Oviedo (more info.)
- Esther Ruiz Ortega. Professor at the Statistics Department at the Carlos III University, Madrid (more info.)
- Mikel González-Eguino. Senior researcher at BC3 (Basque Centre for Climate Change) (more info.)
- Joaquín Aldás-Manzano. Full Professor at the University of Valencia (more info.)
- Lola Gadea Rivas. Professor of the Department of Economic Structure and History and Public Economy of the University of Zaragoza (more info.).
- Jesús M. Valdaliso. Professor of History and Economic Institutions of the University of the Basque Country, UPV / EHU
- Josu Ferreiro. Professor of the Department of Applied Economics V of the University of the Basque Country, UPV / EHU
4.2. Functions
The Scientific Committee for the series is an advisory and consultative body to the Series Director.
Its main function is to advise on how to improve the quality of the series and propose external evaluators. Its members do not carry out the function of external evaluators, except in cases where, given their knowledge on certain subjects, their opinions are essential.
5. Instructions for authors submitting original manuscripts
The publication request form should be sent to the Editorial Service address, together with the original manuscript which should not include the author's personal data. The form must include the following information: the author's personal data, contact person and information, complete title of the work, scientific interest, target audience and possible commercial interest of same, using for this purpose the form which is available on the Editorial Service web page.
All works presented should be previously unpublished and the product of original research. Manuscripts must address one of the areas of research included in the magazine. The text must be sent in computerised format, preferably accompanied by a reliable PDF copy.
In all cases, the original must conform to the standards set out in Annex I to the Manual de Publicaciones del Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. (UPV/EHU Editorial Service Publications' Handbook).
6. Information on the manuscript selection process
The process for presentation and evaluation of originals will be governed by the principles of rigour, transparency and guarantee of anonymity of the evaluation, and will be carried out by means of the procedure of double-blind peer evaluation.
The evaluation process will proceed as follows:
- The Editorial Service Managers will carry out the initial analysis regarding the suitability of the work, after consulting with the Series Managers.
- Having passed this first filter, the Editorial Service Managers and the Series Managers, in consultation with the Scientific Committee, will choose two people as external evaluators specialising in the subject in question. The Editorial Service Managers will request the reviewers to submit their reports within a period of no more than sixty days from the sending of the original work.
- On reviewing the external evaluation reports, the Series Managers, after consulting with the Evaluation Committee, will decide whether or not to accept the publication:
- The issuance of two favourable reports would recommend the publication of the work, which may be subject to modifications based on the suggestions and recommendations contained in the external evaluation reports.
- The issuance of two unfavourable reports would advise against publication of the work.
- In the event of a conflict between one favourable and one unfavourable evaluation, a third report may be requested.
Once the evaluation process has been completed, the Series Editors will communicate by e-mail to the author, in the light of the aforementioned evaluations, the decision whether or not to accept the manuscript and, if accepted, any proposed corrections.
Should the work require corrections, these would be forwarded by e-mail to the Editorial Service Managers within a period of no more than 30 days from the date of receipt of notification of corrections. The author(s) will resend the revised manuscript, with the corrections clearly made and indicated.