Serie Ciencias Sociales

Social Science series

1. Series Guidelines

The Social Sciences series contains publications of a scientific nature related to topics of interest for both the Basque society and its scientific community, as well as for the international scientific society and community. The works published contain an extensive range of topics addressed using various methodologies. It has addressed topics related to feminist and gender studies, political sociology, sociology of culture, sociology of education, sociology of nationalism, historic sociology, sociology of migrations, sociology of collective identities, sociology of science, sociology of everyday life, economic sociology, etc.

The series publishes two books a year, and accepts texts written in any of these three languages: Spanish, Euskera (language of the Basque Country) or English. The proposed publications must pass a peer review process, and if they are successful in doing so they will then bear the ehupress seal of quality. The deadline for notifying authors of the decision made will be less than four months.

2. Start date


3. Director

Mila Amurrio Vélez

PhD in Sociology and Political Sciences from the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Associate Professor (Contracted Doctor) from the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

  • Author and Co-editor of three books (Feminist Challenges in the Social Sciences. Gender Studies in the Basque Country, Hezkuntza Euskal Herrian Aztergai, Genero, nazio eta nazio hezkuntza: ikastoletako irakasleria) and articles in specialised journals on both an international and local scale (Papers, Social Prism, Jakin, Language, Culture and Curriculum, Mexican Journal of Sociology, Uztaro, Tantak, Zerbitzuan).
  • Main researcher in various projects (2006-2008). Was the director of one thesis and is currently directing another three.
  • Member of the Academic Committee for the Feminist and Gender Studies PhD Programme at UPV/EHU.
  • Member of the Academic Committee for the Masters in Feminist and Gender Studies at UPV/EHU from 2008-2014.
  • Member of the Academic Committee for the Masters in 'Euzkarazko Komunikazioa eta Hizkuntza Gutxituak' (2007-2008).

7. Titles of this series