Doctoral Programme in Synthetic and Industrial Chemistry

Asset Publisher

Advanced Organic Synthesis and Applications


  • April 17, 2024
  • Carlos Santamaria University Library, Gipuzkoa Campus


  • 9:25 Opening
  • 9:30 Prof. Luis A. López, University of Oviedo
    Carbenoid chemistry: a valuable tool in organic synthesis
  • 10:30 Oral Communications
    • Mirane Florencio-Zabaleta, CIC bioGUNE, Derio, Bizkaia
      Unveiling the novel interaction between human Galectin-9 and T-cell receptor (TIM-3)
    • Iker Hernández, Faculty of Chemistry, UPV/EHU - Donostia
      Synthesis of unnatural tertiary and quaternary tryptophan derivatives via alkyne-mediated activation of gramines
  • 11:00 Coffee break (Cafetería Aulario)
  • 11:45 Prof. Sílvia Osuna, University of Girona
    Can we rationally design efficient enzymes?
  • 12:45 Prof. Félix Freire, University of Santiago de Compostela-CiQUS
    Macromolecular helical switches 13:45 Closin