
ENLIGHT Network Language and Intercultural Virtual Exchange (ENLIVE)

ENLIGHT Network Language and Intercultural Virtual Exchange (ENLIVE)

ENLIVE is a virtual exchange project run by the Espace Langues Bordeaux University, ZESS, Göttingen University, and the Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Languages, Comenius University. Guided by facilitators, participants engage in weekly synchronous discussions in English as a lingua franca context. Together, students collaborate actively during sessions, build relationships, discuss current social issues and work towards a micro social media campaign. Students may choose from a range of areas to explore, such as gender and education, science in society or disability and accessibility.

English is the lingua franca of the exchange. Participants should be able to communicate on a B2 level or above to participate.

Learning outcomes

Students should be able to...

  • discuss current social issues in an English as a lingua franca context
  • develop their cultural sensitivity and global outlook
  • collaborate in international groups to design and deliver a micro social media campaign


Students will select and research a topic from a set of broad areas in order to design and disseminate a social media campaign.

  • Potential areas:
  • Climate change and activism
  • Disability and accessibility
  • Diversity on screen
  • Gender and education
  • Health and social media
  • Sustainability and economy
  • Science in society

Over 6 weeks, students meet in groups of 8-12 participants for 2 hours via Zoom to engage in intercultural dialogue and work towards their social media campaign. They alternate plenary phases where all members of the group are engaged in dialogues and project work in groups. The social media campaigns prepared by students are shared on the social media platforms of participating institutions.

Registration procedure

UPV/EHU undergraduate, Master and PhD students can apply for this course. Undergraduate students who complete the course will be able to obtain optional credits. Please, fill in the form with your personal information. The course organization will contact the selected applicants after October, 20th. 

Registration deadline

UPV/EHU students can fill in the application form before October, 19th.

Further information
