Special mentions

Special mentions

The PhD qualification may include the “International Doctorate” and “Industrial Doctorate” mentions listed in the Spanish Royal Decree 99/11.

The main condition to obtain the "International doctorate" mention is that the doctoral student, during their time in the doctoral programme, must have stayed abroad for a minimum of three months at a higher education centre or research centre, studying or researching on subjects that are directly related to their thesis.

The main conditions to obtain the “Industrial Doctorate” mention are that the doctoral student must participate in an industrial or experimental development research project at a non-university institution, and they must sign a work or commercial contract with that institution for a period of at least one year.

Furthermore, the PhD qualification may include the UPV/EHU’s own mention “Thesis in collaboration with outside bodies”. To obtain this mention, an agreement needs to be signed between the university and the outside body, the duration of which must be at least two academic years.