ZIO - Zientzia Irakurle Oroentzat

ZIO - Zientzia Irakurle Oroentzat

1. Series Guidelines

Literature and science come from the same source: our curiosity. The ZIO collection offers essays and readings that are very diverse and translated into Euskera, and that make current scientific knowledge available. Science and literature emanate from the same source, and they consist of a continuing attempt to find the causes of what is and who we are. The ZIO collection offers thirsty readers the opportunity to enjoy the sweet waters of knowledge in Euskera.

The ZIO collection is comprised of high-end popular science books. They are texts that are pleasant to read and that have enjoyed success and admiration with readers in other languages. They are aimed at readers who while not being experts, want to avail themselves of current scientific knowledge.

The main objective of the ZIO collection is to offer the best readings on current scientific knowledge in Euskera. It also intends to work on writing models for Basque scientific prose, given that these informative works are considered an appropriate bridge for facilitating the relationship between scientists and readers.

2. Start date


7. Titles of this series