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Irakaslegaiak AEN: Language training of teachers.

Specific programme: Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Interreg POCTEFA)
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Associated Partner
UPV/EHU PI: Gurutze Ezkurdia Arteaga
Project start: 01/09/2017
Project end:   31/08/2020

Brief description: Learning in the Basque and Occitan languages is at the heart of the draft language policy adopted by the Aquitaine-Euskadi Eurorregion, the OPLB (Public Office of the Basque Language) with respect to Basque, and the OPLO (Public Office for the Occitan Language) ) with respect to Occitan. Basque education in the Basque Country, French and Occitan in the Bordeaux, Toulouse and Montpellier areas (New-Aquitaine and Occitania regions) is developing in a remarkable way, and to accompany this development, the number of posts for teachers in Basque and Occitan is constantly increasing. Currently, the number of candidates for these positions is insufficient. The objective of this project is to increase the pool of candidates in the corresponding recruitment drives for schoolteachers (Special CRPE Basque or Occitan). For this purpose, two parallel models are offered in this project for each of the two languages. For the Basque language, 10 annual grants to train in the Basque language and 10 biannual scholarships to train young primary school students in French in order to prepare them for access to the MEEF Master programme for Basque teaching; For the Occitan language, 3 biannual scholarships to train in Occitan, and five biannual scholarships, renewable every year, to train in French and Occitan.