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EKATE - Management of Photovoltaic Electric Power and Shared Self-Consumption in the French-Spain cross-border area, using Blockchain technology and Internet of Things (IoT)

Specific programme: Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Interreg POCTEFA)
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
Project start: 01/12/2019
Project end:   31/05/2022

Brief description: The future electricity network will be decentralized, decarbonized, digitized and intelligent. And in this network, short energy circuits that use local natural resources will be a priority. The POCTEFA space has exceptional environmental capital and local energy resources, which require an improvement in exploitation techniques, mainly through innovation.

To do this, the territory has leading entities and innovation centers, in sectors such as Renewable Energy (EERR).

Thus, among 6 partner organizations, the development of the EKATE project aims to respond to these challenges by focusing on photovoltaic (PV) installations in shared self-consumption, which need an effective system for managing energy exchanges. In this way, EKATE aims to locate the POCTEFA perimeter as a reference in technologies of and for self-consumption shared with the following objective: to demonstrate and develop efficient and intelligent services for the management of electricity through the generation of renewable photovoltaic energy and shared selfconsumption, using technology "Blockchain" and "Internet of Things (IoT)".

And for this, 3 technical actions will be developed that will group different innovative activities: diagnosis, review opportunities, implementation of 2 demonstration experiences on shared self-consumption of PV electric power in P. Atlantiques and Catalunya through innovative technologies of Blockchain and IoT, evaluation of them and extension plan.

Taking advantage of the existence of a legal framework for shared self-consumption, the main results will be the implementation of innovative technologies in pilot facilities for shared self-consumption and the development of new business models that will serve as a reference to the new PV facilities that are expected to be numerous in the next few years in the POCTEFA perimeter.