

TSR (Seinalearen eta Irratikomunikazioen Tratamendua / Signal Processing and Radiocommunication) Bilboko Ingeniaritza Fakultateko (UPV/EHU/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) ikerketa-laborategia da, eta, zehazkiago, sail honetakoa: erakunde honetako Komunikazio Ingeniaritza.

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September 2024: AMPS 2024 Conference. Caserta (Italy)

Alexander Gallarreta attended the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS 2024). 18-20 September. Caserta (Italy).

He presented the following contribution:

  • Comparison of Measurement Methods for the Assessment of RMS Spectra in the 9-150 kHz Range

Gallarreta, A. ; González-Ramos, J. ; Vildósola, J.; Fernández, I.; Angulo, I.; de la Vega, D.; Arrinda, A.