

TSR (Seinalearen eta Irratikomunikazioen Tratamendua / Signal Processing and Radiocommunication) Bilboko Ingeniaritza Fakultateko (UPV/EHU/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) ikerketa-laborategia da, eta, zehazkiago, sail honetakoa: erakunde honetako Komunikazio Ingeniaritza.

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Advanced Technologies and Use Cases for High-performance Industrial Wireless Systems Workshop. September 2024.

Pablo Angueira will participate in the Advanced Technologies and Use Cases for High-performance Industrial Wireless Systems Workshop next 12 September.

The workshop is organized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA.

Dr. Angueira will present the following contribution (invited speaker):

  • Performance evaluation of industrial wireless systems

It is an online event, free of charge. 

Attendees must use the following link to register: