Iñaki Gandarias - Kongresuak (2008 urtetik gerozkoak)
XXIX Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis - CICAT 2024
2024/09/23 - 2024/09/27, 00:00 - 00:00 Bilbo
Fifth International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry
2024/07 Bilbo
PhD Multidisciplinary Chemical Congress
2024/03 Gijón/Xixón
Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis SECAT 2023
2023/06/20 - 2023/06/23 Torremolinos
Reunión Bienal de la SECAT
2023/06 - 2023/06 Torremolinos
4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry
2018/07 Bilbo
3rd International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry
2016/09 - 2017/03 Madrid, Madrid
BIT's 6th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis-2015
2015/09 - 2015/10 Xi'an
3rd International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries
2015/09 - 2015/11 Rio de Janeiro
Simple, High-Yield Synthesis of Cellulosic Gasoline From Biomass-Derived Levulinic Acid.
2015/05 - 2015/11 La Rochelle
3rd International Symposium on Green Chemistry
2015/05 - 2015/05 La Rochelle
THERMAM 2014 and 3rd Rostocker Symposium on Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics
2014/09 - 2014/09
11th European Congress on Catalysis
2013/09 - 2014/11 Lyon
Europacat 2013
2013/09 - 2014/11 Lyon
11th European Congress on Catalysis – EuropaCat-XI
2013/09 - 2013/09 Lyon
2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry
2013/05/11 - 2014/11/11, 14:28 - 14:28 La Rochelle
IX International Conference Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions
2012/10/11 - 2014/11/11, 12:56 - 12:56
Advances in Catalysis for Biomass Valorization
2012/07/11 - 2014/11/11, 13:04 - 13:04
CCESC 2012 Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry
2012/06/11 - 2014/11/11, 13:14 - 13:14 Madrid
5th Workshop on Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry
2012/03 - 2012/03 Karlsruhe