Rheology publications 2014

Erreologiaren argitalpenak 2014


    Liburuen Kapituloak

  1. A.J.; MÜLLER, M.; AVILA,  G. SAENZ, J. SALAZAR, "Crystallization of PLA-based Materials", pp. 66-98, Chapter 3 in Poly(lactic acid) Science and Technology: Processing, Properties, Additives and Applications, Editor(s): Alfonso Jiménez, Mercedes Peltzer, Roxana Ruseckaite. 2015. DOI: 10.1039/9781782624806-00066. RSC Polymer Chemistry Series.


  1. D. CAVALLO, L. GARDELLA, G. PORTALE, A.J. MÜLLER, G.C. ALFONSO, "Kinetics of Cross-Nucleation in Isotactic Poly(1-butene)", MACROMOLECULES, 47, 870-873 (2014).
  2. A. PEREZ, A. J. SANDOVAL, A. COVA, A.J. MÜLLER, "Glass Transitions and Physical Aging of Cassava Starch – Corn Oil Blends", CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 105, 244-252 (2014).
  3. R.A. PEREZ, M.E. CORDOVA, J.V. LOPEZ, J.M. HOSKINS, B. ZHANG, S.M. GRAYSON, A.J. MÜLLER, "Nucleation, Crystallization, Self-Nucleation and Thermal Fractionation of Cyclic and Linear Poly(e-Caprolactone)s", REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS,  80, 71–82 (2014).
  4. R.A. PEREZ,  J.V. LOPEZ, J.N. HOSKINS, B. ZHANG, S.M. GRAYSON, M.T. CASAS, J. PUIGGALI, A.J. MÜLLER, "Nucleation and Antinucleation Effects of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Cyclic and Linear Poly(ε-caprolactones)", MACROMOLECULES, 47, 3553−3566 (2014).
  5. O. VERNAEZ, A.J. MÜLLER, "Relaxation Time Spectra From Short Frequency Range Small-Angle Dynamic Rheometry", RHEOLOGICA ACTA, 53, 385–399 (2014).
  6. K. JERONIMO, V.L. CRUZ, J.  RAMOS, J.F. VEGA, M. TRUJILLO, A.J. MÜLLER, J. MARTINEZ-SALAZAR, "Computer Simulations of the Early Stages of Crystal Nucleation of Linear and Short Chain Branched Polyethylene on Carbon Nanotubes", J. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, 56, 194-204 (2014).
  7. J. F. VEGA, Y. DA SILVA, E. VICENTE-ALIQUE, R. NUÑEZ-RAMIREZ, M. TRUJILLO, M.L. ARNAL, A.L. MÜLLER, "Influence of Chain Branching and Molecular Weight on Melt Rheology and Crystallization of Polyethylene/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites", MACROMOLECULES 47, 5668−5681 (2014).
  8. R.M. MICHELL, I. BLASZCZYK-LEZAK, C. MIJANGOS, A.J. MÜLLER, "Confined Crystallization of Polymers within Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates" Invited Review Article., J. POL. SCI. PART B: POL. PHYS. 52, 1179–1194 (2014).
  9. A. J. MÜLLER, A.T. LORENZO, A. HIRAO, "Crystallization Behavior of Polyethylene/polystyrene AmBn Miktoarm Star Copolymers", POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 25, 1257-1263 (2014).
  10. M. A. ABOUDZADEH, M. . FERNÁNDEZ , M. E. MUÑOZ, A. SANTAMARÍA, D. MECERREYES, "Ionic Supramolecular Networks Fully Based on Chemicals Coming from Renewable Sources", MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS. 35(4), 460-465 (2014)
  11. I. CALAFEL, M.E. MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA, M.BOIX, J.I. CONDE, B.P ASCUAL, "The Effect of Crystallites on the Rheological Properties of Micro-Phase Separated PVC-PBA-PVC Tri Block Copolymers Obtained by Living Radical Polymerization",  JOURNAL OF VINYL and ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY (DOI 10.1002/vnl.21397) ( 2014)
  12. M. LANDA, J. CANALES, M. FERNÁNDEZ, M. E. MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARÍA "Effect of MWCNTs and Graphene on the Crystallization of Polyurethane Based Nanocomposites, Analyzed via Calorimetry, Rheology and AFM Microscopy", POLYMER TESTING (2014)  10.1016/j.polymertesting.2014.03.008
  13. M. LANDA, M FERNANDEZ, ME MUÑOZ, A SANTAMARIA, "The Effect of Flow on the Physical Properties of Polyurethane/Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites: Repercussions on Their Use as Electrically Conductive Hot-Melt Adhesives", POLYMER COMPOSITES DOI:10.1002/pc.22989 (2014)
  14. J. CANALES, M. FERNÁNDEZ, J. J. PEÑA, M E MUÑOZ, A. SANTAMARÍA. "Rheological Methods to Investigate Graphene/Amorphous Polyamide Nanocomposites: Aspect Ratio, Processing, and Crystallization", POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE.  DOI 10.1002/pen.23985 (2014).
  15. J. M. UGARTEMENDIA , MARIA E. MUÑOZ , J R. SARASUA , A.SANTAMARIA, "Phase Behavior and Effects of Microstructure on Viscoelastic Properties of a Series of Polylactides and Polylactide/poly(ε-caprolactone)copolymers", RHEOLOGICA  ACTA  DOI 10.1007/s00397-014-0797-8 (2014).
  16. D. CAVALLO, L. GARDELLA, G. PORTALE, A.J. MÜLLER, G.C. ALFONSO, "Self-Nucleation of Isotactic Poly(1-Butene) in the Trigonal Modification", POLYMER, 55, 137-142 (2014).