Current Members
PRAXIS Research Group
Thomas Mormann

Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia.
Universidad del País Vasco, UPV / EHU
Av. Toulouse, 70
20018 Donostia
Tel: +34 94301 5486
Fax: +34 94301 5470
correo electrónico:
Thomas Mormann. BSc Mathematics (University of Fribourg, 1973), PhD (rer. nat.) Mathematics (University of Dortmund, 1978), PhD (phil. habil.) Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science (University of Munich, 1995). My research focuses on Philosophy of Science in the 19th and 20th Centuries. I work as well in Logic and Formal Ontology.
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Selected Publications
- Mormann, T. "Philipp Frank's Austro-American Logical Empiricism", HOPOS 7(1), 2017.
- Mormann, T. "Carnap's Boundless Ocean of Unlimited Possibilities: Between Enlightenment and Romanticism", in Pierre Wagner (ed.) Carnap's Ideal of Explication and Naturalism, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 65 – 82, 2012.
- Mormann, T. "Heyting Algebras as a Framework for Spatial Reasoning", Axiomathes, Online First, DOI 10.1007/s10516-011-9180-x, 2012.
- Mormann, T. "On the Mereological Structure of Complex States of Affairs", Synthese, Online First, DOI 10.1007/s11229-010-9828-x, October 2010.
- Mormann, T. "New Work for Carnap's Quasianalysis", Journal of Philosophical Logic 38, 249 – 282, 2009.
- Mormann, T. "Updating Classical Mereology", Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, edited by C. Glymour, W. Wang, D. Westerwstahl, Beijing 2007, King's College Publications, London, 326 – 343, 2009.
- Mormann, T. "Idealización en la filosofía de la matemática de Cassirer", Philosophia Mathematica (3), 151-181, 2008.
- Mormann, T. Geometrical Leitmotifs in Carnap's Early Philosophy, en R. Creath y M. Friedman (eds.), Cambridge Companion to Carnap , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 57-75, 2007.
- Mormann, T. Rudolf Carnap , Beck'sche Reihe Denker, München, Verlag CH Beck, 229pp., 2000.