
Current Members

PRAXIS Research Group

Oier Imaz

Mondragon University
Humanities and Education Sciences

Dorleta s/n
20540 Eskoriatza

Email: oimaza@mondragon.edu
Tel.: +34 622 937 173


PhD Philosophy (UPV/EHU and UNAM, 2017) and Political Sciences (VUB, 2017) I am a teacher at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University and researcher in the Institute of Cooperative Studies LANKI. Since 2011 I am a member of the research group PRAXIS and my research focus on the governance of complex innovation systems. Currently, I am conducting a research project on governance innovation in the context of the Mondragon cooperative experience.

full Curriculum Vitae >


Selected Publications

  • Imaz O. eta Eizagirre A. (2020) Responsible Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals in Business: an Agenda for Cooperative Firms. Sustainability 12(17), 6948.
  • Imaz O. (2020) The constitutional paradox of complex diversity. A Systemic Path Towards Social Integration Through Deliberation. Philosophy and social criticism 46(10), 1244 – 1266.
  • Imaz, O, Eizagirre, A., Ibarra, A., “Democratizar los futuros sociotécnicos: ecologías deliberativas para una gobernanza anticipatoria”, en H. Rodríguez, S. Urueña, A. Eizagirre y O. Imaz (eds.), Anticipación e innovación responsable. Construcción de futuros alternativos para la ciencia y la tecnología, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2019, 197-227.
