XSLaren edukia

Ingelesez Hitz Egiten den Herrialdeetako Historia eta Kultura25314

Letren Fakultatea
Ingeles Ikasketetako Gradua
Kreditu kopurua

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Gelako p.2030

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Irakasgaiaren Azalpena eta Testuingurua zehazteaToggle Navigation

This course is offered in the first term of the second year of English Studies. Its main goal is to provide students with an overview of some relevant historical events of the two most influential English-speaking countries (Great Britain and the United States), in an attempt to observe how these contributed to the creation, development and transmission of the national identity of both countries. Subsequently, students will have the opportunity to discuss about different aspects of the socio-political, educational, cultural and artistic life of the two countries, through the study and analysis of texts of diverse nature and characteristics. The essence of the course will be completely interdisciplinary, even if we will base our classes in the cinematic portrayals of several sociocultural issues.

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This subject belongs to the M04 Fundamentos de Literatura Inglesa Module. Specifically it contributes to the achievement of module competences (these are adapted from the Literature Module ones. However, the nature of the texts used in this subject is more diverse: literature, cinema, media, etc.)

M04CM01- To understand the English language and to use it properly through the reading of different (literary) texts.

M04CM02- To analyze literature written (texts) in English, exploring the interaction of the (literary) texts with the cultural and historical context in English-speaking countries.

M04CM03- To understand, analyze and interpret critically (literature) texts in English, using adequate text analysis techniques and to transmit and discuss it in groups and individually.

M04CM04- To understand the role of (literature) texts of diverse nature in the creation of personal and collective ideas related to fields of general interest, such as history, social relations or gender.

Final achievement of the module competences above entails the fulfilment of the degree competences:

G001- To be able to produce and understand any type of oral and written text in English.

G002- To know the history, civilization and culture of the English-speaking countries.

G004- To understand, analyse and interpret English literature and to be able to evaluate critically texts and documents in English.

G007- To be able to relate the specific knowledge of the degree with other areas and disciplines and to transmit that knowledge in further studies in order to favour conciliatory and tolerant attitudes towards multilingual and multicultural diversity.

G008-To be able to work autonomously and in teams, making use of the techniques and tools acquired.

G009- To be able to transmit the knowledge acquired in different academic contexts to be used in diverse professional contexts.


In this course students can:

• Identify the major historical events of Britain and the United States, and understand the cultural reality of both countries.

• Identify the socio-cultural and historical reality of both countries from the critical reading.

• Analyze the proposed texts critically by means of using different sources, and express individual critical thoughts correctly in their written and oral production.

• Use diverse strategies for the written and oral defense of one’s critical ideas in the context of group work, using different bibliographical sources and relating them to the proposed works.

• Develop individual and group research strategies in multidisciplinary and varied topics.

• Think critically about issues of general interest both in to the personal and communal spheres, and understand the role of literature and arts for the construction and deconstruction of social and cultural identities.

Eduki teoriko-praktikoakToggle Navigation

Topic 1: Introducing the Subject: Culture & Interculturality.

1. General Background

1.2 Culture & Popular Culture

1.3 Identity & Culture

1.3 Theoretical Approach

Topic 2: The United Kingdom

2.1. The country: Geography, Language, History & Institutions

2.2. Themes

2.3. Culture

Topic 3: The United States of America

3.1. The country: Geography, Language, History & Institutions.

3.2. Themes

3.3. Culture

MetodologiaToggle Navigation

The course is intended as a fully practical one. Students will be assigned some tasks for the class. The class will be divided into different groups that will work on different guided aspects. There would be other activities, individual and team activities, organized in different manners, seminar-like tasks, video screenings, debates and other types of methodologies, including those that seek to exercise writing and speaking skills. Most of the activities would be directed towards the consolidation of the theoretical and cultural background explained in class.

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  • Ebaluazio Jarraituaren Sistema
  • Azken Ebaluazioaren Sistema
  • Kalifikazioko tresnak eta ehunekoak:
    • Garatu beharreko proba idatzia (%): 40
    • Test motatako proba (%): 20
    • Banakako lanak (%): 40

Ohiko Deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

The type of assessment is continuous. It will be based on:



CONTENT TESTS (2)- (20%)

Withdrawal from the Continuous Assessment: All students have the right to be evaluated according to the final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous assessment module. In order to withdraw from the continuousassessment, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to do so. Students can withdraw within the first 9 weeks of the course, according to the academic calendar of their centre. The form that has to be filled in is available at the website of the faculty http://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/letrak/idazkaritza

Withdrawal from an Exam Call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a, ez aurkeztua].

1. In the case of continuous assessment ,

a. If the final exam is worth more than 40%: not sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

b. If the final exam is worth 40% or less: all students can withdraw from a call until at least one month before the date of the end of the teaching schedule of the corresponding course. This withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the instructor responsible for the course.

2. In the case of final assessment, not sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

The new regulation about assessment can be found at the following link:



Ezohiko deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

The mark will be based on an exam (100%), including a test and an essay.

The new regulation about assessment can be found at the following link:


Information on the use of resources and materials :

Exam: The use of mobile or electronic devices, notes, books is not allowed

Home-assignments: the work submitted by the students must be their own work and must have been written completely by themselves. The students must identify and include the source of all facts, ideas, opinions and viewpoints of others through in-text referencing and the relevant sources should all be included in the list of references at the end of their work. Direct quotations from books, journal articles, internet sources or any other source must be acknowledged and the sources cited must be identified in the list of references.

The regulation about assessment can be found at the following link:


Withdrawal from an Exam call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a, ezaurkeztua].Not sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

Nahitaez erabili beharreko materialaToggle Navigation

Compulsory materials will be attached in the Egela platform, which we will be using continuously in our sessions.

BibliografiaToggle Navigation

Oinarrizko bibliografia

Bassnett, Susan. Studying British Culture, Routledge:London, 1997

Bedarida, François. A Social History of England, Routledge: London, 1991.

Bradbury, Malcolm & Temperley, Howard. Introduction to American Studies, 3rd ed., Longman: London, 1998.

Brogan, Hugh. The Pelican History of the United States of America. 3rd ed. London: Pelican Books, 2001.

Bromehaed, Peter. Life in Modern Britain. 6th ed. London: Longman, 1999.

Gidley, Mick. Modern American Culture: An Introduction, Longman: London, 1993.

Garwood, Christopher et al..Aspects of Britain and the USA. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.

Hernández Alonso, Juan J..Los Estados Unidos de América: Historia y Cultura. Salamanca: Ediciones Colegio de España, 2002. Luedtke, Luther S., ed.. Making America: The Society and Culture of the United States. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., 1998.

Mauk, David and Oakland, John. American Civilization. An Introduction. 5th edition. London: Routledge.

Norton, Marybeth et al.. A People and a Nation. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.

Oakland, John. British Civilization. An Introduction. 6th edition. London: Routledge,

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

Bassnett, Susan. Studying British Culture, Routledge:London, 1997
Bedarida, François. A Social History of England, Routledge: London, 1991.
Bradbury, Malcolm & Temperley, Howard. Introduction to American Studies, 3rd ed., Longman: London, 1998.
Brogan, Hugh. The Pelican History of the United States of America. 3rd ed. London: Pelican Books, 2001.
Bromehaed, Peter. Life in Modern Britain. 6th ed. London: Longman, 1999.
Gidley, Mick. Modern American Culture: An Introduction, Longman: London, 1993.
Garwood, Christopher et al..Aspects of Britain and the USA. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.
Hernández Alonso, Juan J..Los Estados Unidos de América: Historia y Cultura. Salamanca: Ediciones Colegio de España, 2002. Luedtke, Luther S., ed.. Making America: The Society and Culture of the United States. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., 1998.
Mauk, David and Oakland, John. American Civilization. An Introduction. 5th edition. London: Routledge.
Norton, Marybeth et al.. A People and a Nation. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Oakland, John. British Civilization. An Introduction. 6th edition. London: Routledge, 2006,

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09:00-11:00 (1)

09:00-09:30 (2)




01-61 Gelako p.-1 (Ingelesa - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak


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