
Prozesu Katalitikoak eta Hondakinen Balioztatzea

Ikerketa Taldea

PROCAT-VARES taldeak energia eta ingurumena oinarri moduan duten ikerketa proiektuen proposamenean, aurrerapenean eta berrikuntzan lan egiten du. Taldearen helburu nagusia gizarterako gaur egun garrantzitsuak diren eta garapen iraunkorrera bideratuta dauden Erreakzio Kimikoaren Ingeniaritzaren ikerketa-lerroak garatzea da nazioarteko mailarik altuenean. Jarduera honen garapenari esker, ikertzaileak eta teknologoak trebatzen dira. Gainera, nazioarteko komunitate zientifiko-teknologikoari jakintza zientifikoa transmititzen zaio interes akademikoa, teknologikoa, soziala eta industriala duten argitalpenen bidez eta industri sektorearekin duen lankidetzaren bidez.

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Next July 19 at 11:30 in the Adela Moyua Room of the Faculty of Science and Technology (Leioa Campus), Zuria Tabernilla Sánchez will defend the Doctoral Thesis entitled "Ethylene oligomerization to sustainable fuel production", carried out under the supervision of Professors Andrés T. Aguayo and Eva Epelde.

We have approached the thermal splitting of pistachio nuts in conical spouted bed, attaining up to 60% of split pistachios and preserving their quality. Results have been recently published in Food and Bioprocess Technology: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-024-03373-5

Recently we have published a new paper in Powder Technology, entitled "Quantitative assessment of the prominence of fish hooks in hydrocyclones over different operation and geometrical parameters". According to our work, the fish hook effect is a real fact that affects the performance of hydrocyclones, proposing two new parameters for their characterization: dip and peak efficiencies. ...

We are glad to present one of our last publications, in Chemical Engineering Science, entitled "A novel alternative method for pistachio nuts splitting using conical spouted beds". Hydrodynamic runs have been conducted to ascertain the configurations that are suitable for low temperature batch drying and splitting of pistachio nuts. The results show that a single cycle of wetting, drying and...

During June 21-22, Palash Kumar Mollick participated in the CATCHEM-2023 conference, held in Valencia. He presented a poster about the thermodynamic assessment of the sorption enhanced steam reforming of pyrolysis volatiles and delivered an oral communication about the comparison between the conventional and plasma catalyzed steam reforming processes for green hydrogen production from...

Next July 14 at 11:30 in the Board Room of the Faculty of Education (Leioa Campus), Xabier Sukunza Pérez will defend the Doctoral Thesis entitled "Scaling up of fountain confined conical spouted bed dryers", carried out under the supervision of Professors Martin Olazar and Roberto Aguado.

Proud to share our latest article, in collaboration with Prof. Stefan Heinrich and his group, from the Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology (Hamburg University of Technology). In this work, derived from the PhD Thesis developed by Aitor Atxutegi, we propose the use of CFD-DEM for the simulation of conical spouted beds with internal devices and different types of...

Last week, our colleagues Iratxe Crespo, Onintze Parra and Ander Portillo attended ISCRE27 conference in Quebec, Canada. They had the opportunity to share their latest results on hydrocracking and CO2 valorization!

Beatriz Valle, Iratxe Crespo and Ana Gayubo are proud to have participated in the 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE11), held from 4th to 8th June in Buenos Aires, Argentina. These collaborative works with UNNOBA and CONICET are the outcome of the research conducted by Eugenia Chiosso during her time in CPWV ehugroup. The research is focused on investigating the behavior of...

Next week our colleagues Iratxe Crespo, Onintze Parra and Ander Portillo will be attending to ISCRE-27, international conference on chemical reaction enginerring in Quebec, Canada, to explain our latest results on minimizing overcracking in hydrocracking process and CO2 valorization into fuels and commodities.