
Prozesu Katalitikoak eta Hondakinen Balioztatzea

Ikerketa Taldea

PROCAT-VARES taldeak energia eta ingurumena oinarri moduan duten ikerketa proiektuen proposamenean, aurrerapenean eta berrikuntzan lan egiten du. Taldearen helburu nagusia gizarterako gaur egun garrantzitsuak diren eta garapen iraunkorrera bideratuta dauden Erreakzio Kimikoaren Ingeniaritzaren ikerketa-lerroak garatzea da nazioarteko mailarik altuenean. Jarduera honen garapenari esker, ikertzaileak eta teknologoak trebatzen dira. Gainera, nazioarteko komunitate zientifiko-teknologikoari jakintza zientifikoa transmititzen zaio interes akademikoa, teknologikoa, soziala eta industriala duten argitalpenen bidez eta industri sektorearekin duen lankidetzaren bidez.

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[New paper] Spectro-kinetics of the methanol to hydrocarbons reaction combining online product analysis with UV–vis and FTIR

The well-studied methanol to hydrocarbons reaction over a ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst has been used to develop a spectro-kinetic approach to obtain an overall reaction mechanism involving both retained species and gas-phase products. We combined two in situ spectroscopic techniques (ultraviolet–visible and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopies) with online product analysis to obtain the time- and space time-resolved evolution of the entire reaction media. A ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst was tested in two commercial spectroscopic cells at 400 °C using different space times (different inlet flow rates). Specifically, our work focusses on the effect of the space time (key parameter in any kinetic study) and how to tune other parameters such as partial pressure of methanol to resolve, from the spectroscopic and gas-phase points of view, the mechanisms of reaction and deactivation. Our approach reinforces the previous interpretation of these two combined networks in the selected reaction, thus, proving that the spectro-kinetic approach is a robust methodology to simultaneously build overall reaction and deactivation mechanisms.
