Eduki nagusira joan
<span style="display:none">Amaia Maseda</span>
Aldizkarietan argitaratutakoak
WoSen eta SCOPUSen indexaturiko artikuluak
Aparicio, G., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Zorrilla, P. (2023). The family business brand: cross-fertilization between fields . Management Decision .
Sanchez-Famoso, V., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Alayo, M. (2023). A generational perspective of family firms’ social capital: Interplay between ethical leadership and firm performance . Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility .
Alayo, M., Iturralde, T., and Maseda, A., (2022). Innovation and internationalization in family SMEs: analyzing the role of family involvement . European Journal of Innovation Management , 25 (2), 454-478.
Alayo, M., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Calabrò, A. (2022). We are family! The role of family members’ identification in theinternationalization of family firms . European Management Journal .
Arzubiaga, U., De Massis, A.; Maseda, A., and Iturralde, T (2022). The influence of family firm image on access to financial resources in family SMEs - A signaling theory perspective . Review of Managerial Science .
Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Coopers, S. & Aparicio, G. (2022). Mapping women’s involvement in family firms: a review based on bibliographic coupling analysis . International Journal of Management Review , 24(2) pp. 279-305
Alayo, M., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., and Aparicio, G. (2021). Mapping Family Firm Internationalization Research: Bibliometric and Literature Review . Review of Managerial Science , 15, pp 1517–1560.
Aparicio, G., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2021). A holistic bibliometric overview of the student engagement research field . Journal of Further and Higher Education , 45, pp 540-557
Bengoa, A., Maseda, A Iturralde, Tx, Aparicio, G. (2021). A bibliometric review of the technology transfer literature , The Journal of Technology Transfer, 46, pp 1541-1550.
Sanchez-Famoso, V., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Danes, S.M., Aparicio, G. (2020). The Potential of Internal Social Capital in Organizations: An Assessment of Past Research and Suggestions for the Future . Journal of Small Business Management , 2020, 58(1), 32-72.
Aparicio, G., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2019). Conceptual structure and perspectives on entrepreneurship education research: A bibliometric review . European Research on Management and Business Economics , 25 (3), 105-111.
Maseda, A.; Iturralde, T.; Aparicio, G.; Boulkeroua, L.; Cooper,S. (2019).Family board ownership, generational involvement and performance in family SME: a test of the S-shape hypothesis . European Journal of Management and Business Economics , 28(3), 285-300.
Sanchez-Famoso, V., Pittino, V.; Chirico, F., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T. (2019). Capital and Innovation in Family Firms. The Moderating Roles of Family Control and Generational Involvement . Scandinavian Journal of Management , 35(3), 101043.
Arzubiaga, U.; Maseda, A.; Iturralde, T. (2019). Exploratory and exploitative innovation in family businesses: The moderating role of the family firm image and family involvement in top management . Review of Managerial Science , 13(1), 1-31.
Alayo, M., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Arzubiaga, U. (2019). Internationalization and entrepreneurial orientation of family SMEs: The influence of the family character . International Business Review , 28(1), 48-59.
Arzubiaga, U., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T. (2019). Entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: new drivers and the moderating role of the strategic involvement of the board . Australian Journal of Management , 44 (1), 128-152.
Arzubiaga, U., Kotlar, J., De Massis, A.; Maseda, A., & Iturralde, Tx. (2018). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovation in Family SMEs: Unveiling the (Actual) Impact of the Board of Directors . Journal of Business Venturing , 33(4), 455-469.
Arzubiaga, U., Iturralde, T. Maseda, A., Kotlar, J. (2018). Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in family SMEs: the moderating effects of family, women, and strategic involvement in the board of directors , International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal . 14(1), 217-244.
Aparicio, G., Basco, R., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2017). An exploratory study of firm goals in the contest of family firms: an institutional logics perspective , Journal of Family Business Strategy , 8 (3), 157-169.
Sánchez-Famoso, V., Maseda, A., Erezuma, I (2017). Sucesión en la Empresa Familiar: Paternalismo y Género , Espacios , 38 (11), 24-39.
Sánchez-Famoso, V., Maseda, A. Iturralde, T., (2017). Family involvement in Top Management Team: impact on relationships between internal social capital and innovation , Journal of Management & Organization , 23 (1), 136-162.
Iturralde, T., Maseda, A., Arosa, B., García-Ramos, R. (2016). Boards of directors in SMEs: An empirical evidence of board task performance , South African Journal for Business Management , 47 (4), 47-58.
Alayo, M., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A., Arzubiaga, U. (2016). Critical factors for successful succession of family firms , European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science , 85, 89-103.
Sánchez-Famoso, V., Akhter, N. Iturralde, T., Chirico, F., Maseda, A. (2015). Is non-family social capital also important for family firm performance? , Human Relations , 28, 1713-1743.
Sánchez-Famoso, V., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2015). The Influence of Family and Non-Family Social Capital on Firm Innovation: Exploring the Role of Family Ownership , European Journal of International Management , 9 (2), 1-15.
Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Arosa, B. (2015). Impact of outsiders on firm performance over different generations of family-owners SMEs , Journal of Small Business Management, 53 (4), 1203-1218.
Sánchez-Famoso, V., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T. (2014). The role of internal social capital in organisational innovation. An empirical study of family firms , European Management Journal , 32, 950-962.
Arosa, B.; Iturralde, T.; Maseda, A. (2013). The board structure and firm performance in SME: evidence from Spain , Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa , 19 (3), 127-135.
Sánchez-Famoso, V.; Maseda, A.; Iturralde, T. (2013). Relationship between family and non-family social capital: the case of Spanish family firms , Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa , 22 (4), 177-185.
Sánchez-Famoso, V.; Maseda, A.; Arzubiaga, U. (2013). Family firm social capital and firm performance: the perspective of social capital, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Management , 110 (1), 155-170.
Arzubiaga, U.; Iturralde, T.; Maseda, A. (2012). The Entrepreneurial Orientation construct, dimensions and measurement scales in the case of family firm: a literature review and some considerations, European Journal of Social Sciences , 33(3), 437-454.
Iturralde, T.; Arosa, B.; Maseda, A. (2011). Insiders ownership and firm performance. Empirical evidence, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Management , 67, 118-129. SJR Scopus 2011: 0.179 (Finance Q4)
Arosa, B., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2010). Outsiders on the board of directors and firm performance: Evidence from Spanish non-listed family firms , Journal of Family Business Strategy , 1 (4), 236-245.
Iturralde, T., Maseda, A., San-José, L. (2010). Empirical Evidence of Banking Relationships for Spanish SMES , International Small Business Journal , 28 (3), 274-295.
Arosa, B., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2010). Ownership structure and firm performance in non-listed firms: Evidence from Spain , Journal of Family Business Strategy , 1 (2), 88-96.
Iturralde, T; Maseda, A; San-José, L (2010), Factores determinantes del número de relaciones bancarias, Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa , 19 (3), 113-126.
San-José, L., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2009). The influence of information communications technology (ICT) on cash management and financial department performance: An explanatory model , Canadian Journal of Administrative Science , 26 (2), 150-169.
San-José, L.; Iturralde, T.; Maseda, A. (2008). Treasury management versus cash management, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Management , 19, 192-204.
San-José, L.; Iturralde, T.; Maseda, A. (2007). ICT in cash management: Explanatory model, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Management , 9, 57-71.
San-José, L.; Iturralde, T.; Maseda, A. (2006). Las tecnologías de la información en la gestión de tesorería: modelo explicativo , Cuadernos de Gestión , 6(2), 83-102.
Arzubiaga, U., Maseda, A., Baba Yusuf, B., Rodríguez, E. (2020). Familia-enpresen orientazio ekintzailea Mendebaldeko Saharan: testuinguruaren garrantzia . Uztaro: Giza eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria , 112, 21-38. ISSN 1130-5738.
Arzubiaga, U., Maseda, A.,Uribarri, A., Palma-Ruiz, J.M. (2019). Collaborative innovation in the family SME: conceptualization, goals, and success factors , European Journal of Family Business , 9(2), 113-121. ISSN 2444-877x.
Arzubiaga, U., Maseda, A., Yuc-Miranda, C.R. (2019). Dificultades relacionadas con el capital humano durante los procesos de fusión empresarial: evidencia desde Guatemala . Revista Espacios ,40 (27).
Arzubiaga, U., Maseda, A., Beunza, F. (2019). La empresa familiar ante el reto de la innovación: una mirada al papel de la tradición y el conocimiento pasado . Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas , 26, 11-29.
Arzubiaga, U.; Maseda, A.; Iturralde, T. (2016). Familia enpresak eta finantzazioa: zuzendaritza organoen ezaugarri eta erabakiak , Uztaro: Giza eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria , 96, 5-20. ISSN 1130-5738
Hormaeche, J.I., Martínez, A; Olaiz, A.; Castro, A.; Maseda, A; Arangure, M.J. (2016). Industria e investigación, ¿dos realidades cada vez más cercanas? , CIC Network. Ciencia y Tecnología , 16, 34-41. ISSN: 1228-2006
Sánchez-Famoso, V.; Iturralde, T.; Maseda, A. (2015). Kapital sozialaren garrantzia familia enpresetan , Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas , 22(1), 75-92. ISSN: 1135-2051
Sánchez-Famoso, V.; Maseda, A; Iturralde, T. (2015). Familiaren kapital sozialaren eta berrikuntzaren azterketa: familiaren efektua kapital sozialean aztertzen , Uztaro: Giza eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria , 92, 1-15. ISSN: 1130-5738
Arzubiaga, U; Iturralde, T; Maseda, A (2012). La medición de la Orientación Emprendedora en las empresas familiares: una revisión crítica de la literatura , Revista de Empresa Familiar, 2(2), 57-71. ISSN: 2174-2529
Iturralde, T; Maseda, A; Arosa, B; San-José, L (2011). Treasury Management and Banking Negotiations: Empirical Evidence, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking , 20, 75-87. ISSN: 1986-4094/1450-288X
Arosa, B; Iturralde, T; Maseda, A (2011). Firm performance and board of directors structure: evidence from Spanish non-listed firms , Journal Vestnik Bgu Economy Edition , 2(1), 81-85. ISSN: 0321-0359
Maseda, A; Amiano, I; Astola, J (2010). Gizarte erantzukizuna UPV/EHUn , Jakin , 177/178, 115-132. ISSN: 0211-495X
San-José, L; Iturralde, T; Maseda, A (2009). La banca electrónica en la gestión de tesorería , Estrategia Financiera 266, 57-66. ISSN: 1130-8753
Maseda, A; Iturralde, T; San-José, L (2009). Las TIC en el desarrollo de las funciones derivadas de la gestión de tesorería , Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección/Comtabilitat i Direcció , 9, 101-119. ISSN: 1887-570X
Iturralde, T; Maseda, A; San-José, L (2009). Cash management routines: evidence from Spain , Frontiers in Finance and Economics , 1, 93-117. ISSN: 1814-2044
Arosa, B; Maseda, A (2006). Características y estructura de gobierno de la empresa familiar, AECA: Revista de la Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas , 74, 40-45. ISSN: 1577-2403