Publications by year

Publications by year

This is a list of our publications in indexed journals in the field of biomedical signal processing applied to the treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. For a comprehensive list of publications of the members of the group check our public profiles at google scholar.


Value of capnography to predict defibrillation success in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. B Chicote, E Aramendi, U Irusta, P Owens, M Daya, A Idris. Resuscitation 2019, 138, 74-81.

Deep neural networks for ECG-based pulse detection during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A Elola, E Aramendi, U Irusta, A Picón, E Alonso, P Owens, A Idris. Entropy 2019, 21(3) 305-324.

A Multistage Algorithm for ECG Rhythm Analysis during Piston Driven Mechanical Chest CompressionsI Isasi, U Irusta, E Aramendi, U Ayala, E Alonso, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestøl. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2019, 66 (1) 263-272.

A Machine Learning Shock Decision Algorithm for use during Piston-driven Chest CompressionsI Isasi, U Irusta, A Elola, E Aramendi, U Ayala, E Alonso, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestøl. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2019, (accepted for publication October 2018).


ECG-based pulse detection during cardiac arrest using random forest classifier. A Elola, E Aramendi, U Irusta, J Del Ser, E Alonso, M Daya. Med Biol Eng Comput 2018.

Fuzzy and Sample Entropies as Predictors of Patient Survival Using Short Ventricular Fibrillation Recordings during out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. B Chicote, U Irusta, E Aramendi, R Alcaraz, JJ Rieta, I Isasi, D Alonso, MM Baqueriza, K Ibarguren. Entropy 2018, 20(8), 591.

A novel technique to assess the quality of ventilation during pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. E Aramendi, Y Lu, MP Chang, A ElolaU Irusta, P Owens, H Idris. Resuscitation 2018; 132, 41-46.

Evaluation of chest compression artefact removal based on rhythm assessments made by clinicians. E Alonso, E Aramendi, U Irusta, M Daya, C Corcuera, Y Lu, AH Idris. Resuscitation 2018; 125, 104-110.

An automatic system for the comprehensive retrospective analysis of cardiac rhythms in resuscitation episodes. AB Rad, T Eftestøl, U Irusta, JT Kvaløy, L Wik, J Kramer-Johansen, AK Katsaggelos, K Engan. Resuscitation 2018; 122, 6-12.


ECG-based Classification of Resuscitation Cardiac Rhythms for Retrospective Data Analysis. AB Rad, T Eftestol, K Engan, U Irusta, JT Kvaloy, J Kramer-Johansen, L Wik, AK Katsaggelos. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2017; 64 (10), 2411-2418

Feasibility of the capnogram to monitor ventilation rate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. E Aramendi, A Elola, E Alonso, U Irusta, M Daya, JK Rusell, P Hubner, F Stertz. Resuscitation 2017; 110, 162-168.


Application of Entropy-Based Features to Predict Defibrillation Outcome in Cardiac Arrest. B Chicote, U Irusta, R Alcaraz, JJ Rieta, E Aramendi, I Isasi, I, D Alonso, K Ibarguren. Entropy 2016; 18, 313.

Machine Learning Techniques for the Detection of Shockable Rhythms in Automated External Defibrillators. C Figuera, U Irusta, E Morgado, E Aramendi, U Ayala, L Wik, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestol, F Alonso-Atienza. PloS one 2016; 11 (7), e0159654

Automatic cardiac rhythm interpretation during resuscitation. AB Rad, K Engan, AK Katsaggelos, JT Kvaløy, L Wik, J Kramer-Johansen, U Irusta, T Eftestøl. Resuscitation 2016; 102, 44-50.

Circulation detection using the electrocardiogram and the thoracic impedance acquired by defibrillation padsE Alonso, E Aramendi, M Daya, U Irusta, B Chicote, JK Russell, LG Tereshchenko. Resuscitation 2016; 99, 56-62.

Filtering mechanical chest compression artefacts from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest dataE Aramendi, U Irusta, U Ayala, H Naas, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestøl. Resuscitation 2016; 98, 41-47.

To interrupt, or not to interrupt chest compressions for ventilation: that is the question! E Aramendi, U Irusta. Journal of Thoracic Disease 2016; 8(1): E121–E123.


Fully automatic rhythm analysis during chest compression pauses. U Ayala, U Irusta, J Ruiz, SR de Gauna, D González-Otero, E Alonso, J Kramer-Johansen, H Naas, T Eftestøl. Resuscitation 2015; 89, 25-30.

Reliability and accuracy of the thoracic impedance signal for measuring cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality metricsE Alonso, J Ruiz, E Aramendi, D González-Otero, SR de Gauna, U Ayala, JK Russell, M Daya. Resuscitation 2015; 88, 28-34.

Chest compression rate feedback based on transthoracic impedance. González-Otero DM, de Gauna SR, Ruiz J, Daya MR, Wik L, Russell JK, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestøl, E Alonso, Ayala U. Resuscitation 2015; 93, 82-88.


A new method for feedback on the quality of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
DM González-Otero, J Ruiz, S Ruiz de Gauna, U Irusta, U Ayala, E Alonso. BioMed research international 2014.

Beyond ventricular fibrillation analysis: Comprehensive waveform analysis for all cardiac rhythms occurring during resuscitation. E Alonso, T Eftestøl, E Aramendi, J Kramer-Johansen, E Skogvoll, T Nordseth. Resuscitation 2014; 85 (11), 1541-1548.

Automatic detection of chest compressions for the assessment of CPR-quality parameters. U Ayala, T Eftestøl, E Alonso, U Irusta, E Aramendi, S Wali, J Kramer-Johansen. Resuscitation 2014; 85 (7), 957-963.

Can thoracic impedance monitor the depth of chest compressions during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation? E Alonso, D González-Otero, E Aramendi, SR de Gauna, J Ruiz, U Ayala, JK Russell, M Daya. Resuscitation 2014; 85 (5), 637-643.

Rhythm analysis during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: past, present, and future. S Ruiz de Gauna, U Irusta, J Ruiz, U Ayala, E Aramendi, T Eftestøl. BioMed research international 2014.

A reliable method for rhythm analysis during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. U Ayala, U Irusta, J Ruiz, T Eftestøl, J Kramer-Johansen, F Alonso-Atienza, E Alonso, D González-Otero. BioMed research international 2014.


Reliable extraction of the circulation component in the thoracic impedance measured by defibrillation pads. J Ruiz, E Alonso, E Aramendi, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestøl, U Ayala, D González-Otero. Resuscitation 2013;  84 (10), 1345-1352.

Direct evaluation of the effect of filtering the chest compression artifacts on the uninterrupted cardiopulmonary resuscitation time. J Ruiz, U Ayala, SR de Gauna, U Irusta, D González-Otero, E AramendiE Alonso, T Eftestøl. The American journal of emergency medicine 2013; 31 (6), 910-915.

Feasibility of automated rhythm assessment in chest compression pauses during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J Ruiz, U Ayala, SR de Gauna, U Irusta, D González-Otero, E Alonso, J Kramer-Johansen, T Eftestøl. Resuscitation 84 (9), 1223-1228.


A high-temporal resolution algorithm to discriminate shockable from nonshockable rhythms in adults and childrenU Irusta, J Ruiz, E Aramendi, SR de Gauna, U Ayala, E Alonso. Resuscitation 2013; 83 (9), 1090-1097.

Suppression of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation artefacts using the instantaneous chest compression rate extracted from the thoracic impedanceE Aramendi, U Ayala, U Irusta, E Alonso, T Eftestøl, J Kramer-Johansen. Resuscitation 83 (6), 692-698.


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation artefact suppression using a Kalman filter and the frequency of chest compressions as the reference signal. J Ruiz, U Irusta, SR de Gauna, T Eftestøl. Resuscitation 2010; 81 (9), 1087-1094.

ECG spectral and morphological parameters reviewed and updated to detect adult and paediatric life-threatening arrhythmiaE Aramendi, U Irusta, E Pastor, A Bodegas, F Benito. Physiological measurement 201; 31 (6), 749.


An algorithm to discriminate supraventricular from ventricular tachycardia in automated external defibrillators valid for adult and paediatric patients.
U Irusta, J Ruiz. Resuscitation 2009; 80 (11), 1229-1233.

A least mean-square filter for the estimation of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation artifact based on the frequency of the compressionsU Irusta, J Ruiz, S De Gauna, T Eftestol, J Kramer-Johansen. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2009; 56 (4), 1052-1062.


A method to remove CPR artefacts from human ECG using only the recorded ECG. SR de Gauna, J Ruiz, U Irusta, E Aramendi, T Eftestøl, J Kramer-Johansen. Resuscitation 2008; 76 (2), 271-278.


Detection of ventricular fibrillation in the presence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation artefactsE Aramendi, SR de Gauna, U Irusta, J Ruiz, MF Arcocha, JM Ormaetxe. Resuscitation 2007; 72 (1), 115-123.