Itelazpi Basque Women in Science and Technology Exhibition

Itelazpi Basque Women in Science and Technology Exhibition

This is an initiative by Itelapi to raise the profile of women scientists. An exhibition of illustrations of scientists women in different fields of science.

Under the slogan "We are women, we are Basque, we are science and technology", the exhibition aims to offer new female references related to scientific and technological careers, which will inspire girls and young women and show them that there is a future in these fields. 

The exhibition will feature pioneering women who have paved the way for equal participation in STEM, as well as PhD students, postgraduates and many more. 

Amaia Arrinda and Marta Fernández participated in this exhibition with their illustrations.

In Metro Bilbao

The exhibition was inaugurated on the 10th of February in Bilbao Metro, Moyua Station. 

In UPV/EHU Campuses

Afterwards, the exhibition was shown in the different campuses of the UPV/EHU. 
The inauguration of the exhibition at the Bilbao School of Engineering (Bizkaia Campus) took place in April 2024.