Alonso Gómez AM, Sierra LT, Mora NM, Toledo E, Alonso A, Uriarte MG, Sanchez CS, Portillo MP, Rodriguez LL, Arellano EE, Schröder H, Salas-Salvadó J.
Left atrial strain improves echocardiographic classification of diastolic function in patients with metabolic syndrome and overweight-obesity
International Journal of Cardiology,
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Arellano-García L, Portillo MP, Martínez JA, Milton-Laskibar I.
Usefulness of Probiotics in the Management of NAFLD: Evidence and Involved Mechanisms of Action from Preclinical and Human Models
International Journal of Molecular Sciences,
Eseberri I, Trepiana J, Léniz A, Gómez-García I, Carr-Ugarte H, González M, Portillo MP
Variability in the Beneficial Effects of Phenolic Compounds: A Review
Nutrients. 2022 May 4;,
Gómez-García I, Trepiana J, Fernández-Quintela A, Giralt M, Portillo MP.
Sexual Dimorphism in Brown Adipose Tissue Activation and White Adipose Tissue Browning
International Journal of Molecular Sciences,
González-Arceo M, Gomez-Lopez I, Carr-Ugarte H, Eseberri I, González M, Cano MP, Portillo MP, Gómez-Zorita S.
Anti-Obesity Effects of Isorhamnetin and Isorhamnetin Conjugates
International Journal of Molecular Sciences IF: 6,208 (Q1),
24(1), 299
Izquierdo AG, Carreira MC, Boughanem H, Moreno-Navarrete JM, Nicoletti CF, Oliver P, de Luis D, Nonino CB, Portillo MP, Martinez-Olmos MA, Fernandez-Real JM, Tinahones FJ, Martinez JA, Macias-González M, Casanueva FF, Crujeiras AB
Adipose tissue and blood leukocytes ACE2 DNA methylation in obesity and after weight loss
European Journal of Clinical Investigation,
Léniz A, González M, Besné I, Carr-Ugarte H, Gómez-García I, Portillo MP.
Role of chemerin in the control of glucose homeostasis
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology,
Lorenzo PM, Sajoux I, Izquierdo AG, Gomez-Arbelaez D, Zulet MA, Abete I, Castro AI, Baltar J, Portillo MP, Tinahones FJ, Martinez JA, Casanueva FF, Crujeiras AB.
Immunomodulatory effect of a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet compared with bariatric surgery and a low-calorie diet in patients with excessive body weight
Clinical Nutrition,
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Martínez JA, Cámara M, Giner RM, González E, López E, Mañes J, Portillo MP, Rafecas M, Estruch R, Ros G, Tur JA, Marcos A, San-Cristobal R.
Ingestas nutricionales de referencia (INR) de minerales y vitaminas para la población española (2019) [Reference nutritional intakes of minerals and vitamins for the Spanish population (2019)]
Revista Española de Salud Pública,
Micó V, San-Cristobal R, Martín R, Martínez-González MÁ, Salas-Salvadó J, Corella D, Fitó M, Alonso-Gómez ÁM, Wärnberg J, Vioque J, Romaguera D, López-Miranda J, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem JL, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Tur JA, Martín Sánchez V, Pintó X, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía-Martín P, Vidal J, Vázquez C, García-Arellano A, Pertusa-Martinez S, Chaplin A, Garcia-Rios A, Muñoz Bravo C, Schröder H, Babio N, Sorli JV, Gonzalez JI, Martinez-Urbistondo D, Toledo E, Bullón V, Ruiz-Canela M, Portillo MP, Macías-González M, Perez-Diaz-Del-Campo N, García-Gavilán J, Daimiel L, Martínez JA
Morbid liver manifestations are intrinsically bound to metabolic syndrome and nutrient intake based on a machine-learning cluster analysis
Frontiers in Endocrinology IF: 6,055 (Q1),
Milton-Laskibar I, Cuevas-Sierra A, Portillo MP, Martínez JA.
Effects of Resveratrol Administration in Liver Injury Prevention as Induced by an Obesogenic Diet: Role of Ruminococcaceae
Oses M, Medrano M, Sanchez JM, Portillo MP, Aguilera CM, Altmäe S, Labayen I.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells-expressed miRNA profiles derived from children with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease and insulin resistance
Pediatric Obesity,
Rubio C, Cámara M, Giner RM, González-Muñoz MJ, López-García E, Morales FJ, Moreno-Arribas MV, Portillo MP, Bethencourt E.
Caffeine, D-glucuronolactone and taurine content in energy drinks: exposure and risk assessment
Nutrients IF: 6,076 (Q1),
14(23), 5103
Sancén M, Léniz A, Macarulla MT, González M, Milton-Laskibar I, Portillo MP.
Features of non-alcoholic beer on cardiovascular biomarkers. Can it be a substitute for conventional beer?
Nutrients IF: 6,076 (Q1),
15(1), 173
Silva P, Portillo MP, Fernández-Quintela A.
Resveratrol and Wine: an overview of thirty years in the digital news
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health IF: 6,208 (Q2),
19(23), 15815