Laboratory Photos
ACG Laboratory
UPV / EHU Fusion Reactor for the control of the internal plasma inductance.
UPV / EHU Fusion Reactor for the control of the internal plasma inductance.
UPV / EHU Fusion Reactor for the control of the internal plasma inductance.
UPV / EHU Fusion Reactor for the control of the internal plasma inductance.
UPV / EHU Fusion Reactor for the control of the internal plasma inductance
Doubly Fed Induction Generator and controller
Water tank for ocean energy research
Diclobin's internship at ACG
ACG receives the AUTOMAR JESÚS MANUEL DE LA CRUZ 2021 AWARD at the XLII Jornadas de Automatica 2021 organized at Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, Spain.
General view of FOWT-based OWC scale model's tank test.
Side view of FOWT-based OWC scale model's tank test.
Fares M'zoughi with the Automatic Control Group (ACG) is granted a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 2022 Global Fellowship funding.
ACG attended the 4th WECANet Assembly on March 6-7, 2023, in Ghent, Belgium
Fares M'zoughi presented the research work "Classification-based OWC Diagnosis Using Real Measured Data" at the 4th WECANet Assembly on March 6-7, 2023, in Ghent, Belgium
Payam Aboutalebi presented the research work "A Concept of Hybrid Wave and Wind Energy Converters" at the 4th WECANet Assembly on March 6-7, 2023, in Ghent, Belgium
ACG networking during the Gala dinner at the 4th WECANet Assembly on March 6-7, 2023, in Ghent, Belgium
Payam Aboutalebi presenting his work at the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) on September 3-7, 2023, in Bilbao, Spain
Irfan Ahmad presenting his work at the 11th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA) on March 6-7, 2023, in Grimstad, Norway
Payam Aboutalebi presenting his work at the 15th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2023 (APPEEC 2023) on December 6-9, 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Fares M'zoughi presenting his work at the 15th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2023 (APPEEC 2023) on December 6-9, 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand
ACG carried out a technical visit to the wave power plant of Mutriku, Spain.
ACG attended the Floating Offshore Wind Technical (FOWTEC) Symposium on April 22, 2024, in Getxo, Spain
Memebers of ACG, Fares M'zoughi, Salvador Cayuela, Tahereh Bagheri Rouch and Payam Aboutalebi with Dr. Jason Jonkman at FOWTEC Symposium on April 22, 2024, in Getxo, Spain
A visit to the project HarshLab, the Offshore laboratory off the coast of Armintza, Spain
A visit to the project DemoSATH, the offshore 2MW floating wind turbine installed by Saitec off the coast of Armintza, Spain