Jesús M. Requies

Short CV
Dr. Jesus Requies got his PhD (Dr. In Chemical Engineering) from the School of Engineering of Bilbao in 2006. He was incorporated to the consolidated group SuPrEn (Sustainable Process Engineering) in March of 2001. He did three different research stages, 2 of them at Rochal Institut of Technology of Stockholm in Sweden, participating in 2 Suspower projects (2006 and 2007). The total duration of these stages was 8 weeks, due to these research stages one paper was published in the JCR in Q1.Other research stage was at Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen (Switzerland) for 8 months. He has also published other papers in the JCR in Q1. From 2012 he is an associate professor of the Basque Country University in the Chemical and Environmental Department, where he is at the present the Head of this department. He has been collaborated with different national and international department as CSIC, UMA, URJC, University of Bolonia, Université Lyon, Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse E. V, and else. He tutored 4 doctoral thesis, and now he is tutoring another 2. In addition, he has also supervised the research work of 24 M. Sc. On the other hand, due to his responsibilities as Head of Department, responsible of one Master and PhD program, he has participated directly in the inclusion of young students in the job market. In addition to this, several papers were published with a close collaboration with other research group of the UPV/EHU, CSIS, University of Malaga, etc. Due to this collaboration, he has participated in different project have been financially supported by European, Spanish, Basque Government and UPV/EHU, in the and by Industrial companies. In the last 10 years he has participated in 23 project. He has been the Principal Investigator in two project financed by Spanish government (from 2015 to 2017, and from 2018 to 2021), other one financed by UPV/EHU University. Since 2011, it has 24 contracts with companies (Nortegas, Befesa Steel, Fundacion Tecnalia, Notergas, Purines Almazan, Arcelotmital, Universidad de Loeben, Enerbasque, Petronor, Zalbagarbi, etc.), where Dr. Jesus was the principal investigator in 7 of them ( Tecnalia, SGS ICS, Eqa certificados, OCA, etc). As a results of this activities he has published more than 54 peer-reviewed paper indexed in the JCR, and 41 of them corresponding to Q1, and all of them makes his index h is 31.
He has an importance expertise in three areas of research: i) the development of new catalysts for hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, oxidation and reforming reactions with special emphasis on biorefinery processes, ii) the design, construction and testing of advanced chemical reaction systems for process intensifications (membrane reactions, microreactors), and iii) process and system design and optimization, including techo-economic evaluation and LCA assessments. Therefore, his main past and on-going research activities are related to catalytic processes development for hydrogen, clean fuels and value-added renewable chemicals production as well as innovative reaction systems design and testing. He has organized two international conferences, the first Iberian Symposium of Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advances Batteries, and he was the secretary of the 4th International Symposium on the Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry celebrated in 2018. In addition to this, he is the responsible of the PhD program "Ingenieria de Materiales y Procesos Sostenibles" and the responsible of the Master "Ingeniera de Materiales Avanzados" from 2018 to 2021. It is also remarkable that as based on a patent from the SuPren group, since 2014 it has been a shareholder of the spin off "Hidrogenos del Norte”. Finally, he has been participated in project evaluation with different companies as SGS, OCA, EQA, and with the Spanish Minister.