Equipment - Analysis of fuels
Elemental analysis (C, H, N, S, Cl)
- Characterization of solid and liquid fuels by LECO automatic determinators. C, H, N and S determination (TruSpec CHNS).
- Calorimetric pump and Chloride determination by ion chromatography (Dionex, ICS 3000 with conductivity and amperometric detectors) for Cl analysis.
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AANALYST 100 from Perkin Elmer).
- Optic Emision ICP Spectrometer OPTIMA 2000 OV from Perkin Elmer.
- Thermogravimetric balance LECO TGA 500.
- Thermogravimetric analysis system TGA/SDTA851 (Mettler Toledo).
- Differential calorimeter DSC 30 from Mettler Toledo.
Heat of combustion:
- Automatic Calorimeter LECO AC 500