
Abstracts Submission

Abstracts submission:

January 1st - February 28th, 2015

Notification of acceptance deadline:

March 20th, 2015

You can submit your RTNSA or IWMW abstract online using "Abstract Submission Form" located below on this page. Please INDICATE IN THE TITLE OF YOUR FILE: 1) RTNSA or IWMW abstract; 2) Topic number to which your abstract should be corresponded to (use numbers of topics from the list below); and 3) Oral talk or Poster presentation (just mark in the title TALK or POSTER). For example, RTNSA-1-TALK (means that your Abstract is for RTNSA, it is within topic number 1 of the RTNSA thematic list and it is Oral talk). Please, indicate in the Abstract mail address of the corresponding author!

Please, read our abstract requirements and use abstract template form attached below.

How to submit your abstract? Please, find below on this page an "Abstract Submission Form" and click on "Seleccionar archivo", than, choose your file and click "Abrir/Open". Your file will appear on the web and you will need to click on "Send", after that, you will see the message - "The form information was sent successfully" which means that your absract was successfully sent.

Please, find the list of RTNSA and IWMW topics below:

RTNSA topics:

1) Preparation and characterization of magnetic / spintronic materials and nanostructures;
2) Magnetism of nanoscale systems: thin films, multilayers, nanoparticles, nanodots, nanowires,  nanotubes, hybrid nanostructures, surface and interface effects;
3) Giant magnetoresistance, tunnel magnetoresistance, MRAM and magnetic logics;
4) Spin angular momentum transfer and spin transfer torque nano-oscillators;
5) Spincaloritronics and spin-orbit effects;
6) Fast and ultrafast magnetization dynamics, spin waves in patterned nanostructures and magnonics;
7) Dynamics of magnetic vortices, skyrmions and domain walls in nanostructures;
8) Micromagnetic, multiscale and atomistic simulations of nanostructures;
9) Applications of magnetic nanostructures: nanosensors, magnetic memory, spintronic devices etc.

IWMW topics:

1) Magnetization process of thin wires
2) High frequency properties and metamaterials
3) Giant magnetoimpedance effect in thin wires  and applications
4) New wire-shaped materials (Heusler-type, Magnetocaloric, granular)

Please, find below information on abstract requirements. Please, STRICTLY follow these requirements! Those abstracts which do not meet the requirements may be rejected.

Abstract requirements:

  • Abstracts must be written in English
  • Abstracts must include mail address of the corresponding author
  • Abstracts must be submitted as Microsoft Office Word files
  • Abstracts must be submitted online
  • Please indicate whether your abstract is for Oral or Poster Presentation
  • Only one conference paper will be accepted per registered participant
  • Decisions by the Scientific Committee on the abstract acceptance are final
  • The abstracts must be submitted prior to the deadline February 28th, 2015
  • Since the abstracts will be reproduced in an Abstract book, please follow the template requirements and the instructions

An abstract template file is available below. Please, click on the file to open it.
