David Rio
The El Sheriff King Comic: A Spanish Hybrid Vision of the Western
No Single Trajectory: Transnational and Transmedia Explorations of the American West,” eds. Ángel Chaparro Sainz and Jesús Ángel González López. Brill,
David Rio
Real and Allegorical Frontiers in Contemporary Spanish Drama: Juan Carlos Rubio’s Arizona
Contemporary Representations of the West In US Cinema and Literature: Some Examples, ed. Amaia Ibarraran-Bigalondo. Peter Lang,
David Río, Aitor Ibarrola, Ángel Chaparro Sainz y Amaia Ibarraran
Un Imaginario Transnacional: el Oeste Norteamericano en la Literatura Española
Bridging Cultures: English and American Studies in Spain. Eds. Luis Javier Conejero Magro, Cristina Blanco García, Laura Méndez Márquez y Jennifer Ruiz-Morgan. Universidad de Extremadura,
91 - 94
David Rio
Introducción: un Oeste cercano
La expansion y revision de un mito: el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española, ed. David Río. Iberoamericana / Vervuert,
11 - 24
David Rio
La renovación del western clásico en el siglo XXI: Basilisco, de Jon Bilbao
La expansion y revision de un mito: el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española, ed. David Río. Iberoamericana / Vervuert,
309 - 326
David Rio
A Spanish View of the American West: El Coyote and His Comic Magazine
The Comic Book Western: New Perspectives on a Global Genre, eds. Christopher Conway and Antoinette Sol. U. Nebraska P.,
249 - 275
David Rio
Rewriting Western Mythology in Contemporary Spanish Literature: Jon Bilbao’s Basilisco
The Western in the Global Literary Imagination, eds. Christopher Conway, Marek Paryz, and David Rio. Brill,
198 - 213
Christopher Conway, Marek Paryz, and David Rio
Mapping the Western in World Literature
The Western in the Global Literary Imagination, eds. Christopher Conway, Marek Paryz, and David Rio. Brill,
1 - 19
David Rio
Exploring Basque Heritage in America at the End of the Twentieth Century: Monique Laxalt Urza’s The Deep Blue Memory
Memory and Emotion (Basque) Women’s Stories: Constructing Meaning from Memory, eds. Larraitz Ariznabarreta and Nere Lete. Center for Basque Studies Press, University of Nevada, Reno,
87 - 105
David Rio
“El Sheriff King: Más allá del mito de la frontera.” Cómics & Estudios Culturales
105 - 123
David Rio
“Frank Bergon’s Western and Basque American Heroes: Deconstructing Archetypes”. Visions of a Basque American Westerner: International Perspectives on the Writings of Frank Bergon
Center for Basque Studies, U. Nevada-Reno,
35 - 50
With A. Chaparro & A. Ibarraran
“East of the West: European Renditions of the American West.”
Taking Stock to Look Ahead: Celebrating Forty Years of English Studies in Spain. U. Zaragoza,
285 - 287
David Río
“Living with the Bomb in the Name of Patriotism: Ann Ronald’s Friendly Fallout 1953.”
Broadening Horizons: A Peak Panorama of English Studies in Spain. U. La Laguna,
187 - 192
David Rio
”Gailur ekaiztsuetatik argira: mendi literaturaren ikerketa.”
Mendi literatura (Haritz Monreal). UPV/EHU,
13 - 14
David Rio
“Interview with a Researcher.”
English: The 8th Province. Ikaselkar,
40 - 41
With A. Chaparro, J.I. Guijarro, & A. Ibarraran
"Contemporary American West on Stage."
English and American Studies in Spain: New Developments and Trends. Eds. Alberto Lázaro & Mª Dolores Porto. Universidad de Alcalá,
254 - 260
David Río
"Reinterpreting the American West from an Urban Literary Perspective: Contemporary Reno Writing."
On the Move: Glancing Backwards to Build a Future in English Studies. University of Deusto,
39 - 50
With A. Chaparro, J.A. González, & A. Ibarrola
"Cities of the West: The American West from the Top of a Skyscraper."
Building Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain. Ed. Esther Álvarez. U. Oviedo,
253 - 260
With A. Chaparro, J.I. Guijarro & A. Ibarraran
"Neglected Genres and Neglected Voices in the 21st Century American West."
Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain. Eds. Rosario Arias et al. U. Málaga,
314 - 316
David Rio
“Beyond the Atlantic: The American West in Twenty-First Century Southwestern European Literature”. The New American West in Literature and the Arts
121 - 133
Celestino Deleyto, David Río, Aitor Ibarrola & María del Mar Azcona
Dreaming On: Recent Representations of the Mexico-US Border in Contemporary Cinema
At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/AEDEAN,
218 - 221
David Río
Yucca Mountain: la montaña tóxica del oeste norteamericano
Realidad y simbología de la montaña. Alcalá de Henares: Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos,
139 - 148
David Río
The Desert as a National Sacrifice Zone: The Nuclear Controversy in Nevada Fiction
American Secrets: The Politics and Poetics of Secrecy in the Literature and Culture of the United States. Ed. Eduardo Barros-Grela & José Liste Noya. Lanham (Maryland): Farleigh Dickinson University Press,
61 - 72
David Río
Autobiographical Writing on Politics in the Sin State: Latina and Basque American Perspectives
Selves in Dialogue: A Transethnic Approach to American Life Writing. Ed. Begoña Simal. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi,
159 - 180
David Rio, Juan Ignacio Guijarro, Aitor Ibarrola & Angel Chaparro
Reinterpreting the American West: Postfrontier Western Writing
A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Eds. José Ramón Ibañez & José Francisco Fernández. Almería: Universidad de Almería,
187 - 193
Esther Rey, David Rio & Juan Ignacio Oliva
If You Surrendered to the Air, You Could Ride It": Eco-centered Images of the Mountain in Recent American Literature
A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Eds. José Ramón Ibañez & José Francisco Fernández Almería: Universidad de Almería,
443 - 449
David Rio
Introduction: Reconsidering Western Writing beyond the Regional Imaginary and its Mythic Borders
Eds. David Rio, Amaia Ibarraran & Martin Simonson. London, Vitoria, Berkeley & Buenos Aires: Portal Editions, 2011. xiii-xxiii.,
David Río
La representación de la naturaleza en la narrativa norteamericana del Oeste: más allá de la mitología fronteriza
Ecocríticas: literatura y medio ambiente. Madrid: Frankfurt Main & Orlando, FL,
265 - 292
David Río
Basque Immigrants in the United States: Contemporary Literary Portraits (1985-2005)
Organization, Indentity and Image of the Basque Communities Abroad (16th-21th Centuries). Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco,
David Río
Re-Imagining the Western American Landscape: Natural Law vs. Human Law in Frank Bergon's Wild Game
ed. Carmen Flys et al., Cultural Landscapes: Heritage and Conservation. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá,
462 - 468
David Río
The Basque Hotel: Nacido en América (Robert Laxalt). Donostia-San Sebastián: Ttarttalo,
5 - 14
David Río
The American Literary West in an International Context: An Introduction
Exploring the American Literary West: International Perspectives. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco,
13 - 21
David Río
Exploring the Basque Legacy in Frank Bergon's Fiction
Exploring the American Literary West: International Perspectives. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco,
203 - 212
David Río
Travesías iniciáticas paralelas: The House on Mango Street y The Basque Hotel
Literatura, cultura, transferencia. Eds. Jesús Camarero y Salah Serour. Bilbao: El Faro-Ecson,
63 - 80
David Río
Cutting Through Mythology: Cormac McCarthy's Western Novels
American Mirrors: (Self) Reflections and (Self) Distortions. Eds. Mª Felisa López et al. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco,
267 - 272
David Río
Place and Identity in the Postmodern West: Joan Didion's Play It As It Lays
Estudios de Literatura en Lengua Inglesa de los Siglos XX y XXI (8). Eds. José M. Barrio y Pilar Abad. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid,
251 - 257
David Río
Espacio e identidad en un `western' crepuscular: The Misfits
Transferencias culturales: literatura, cine, traducción (4). Eds. Raquel Merino et al. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco,
113 - 120
David Río
La novela del Oeste en la literatura popular contemporánea de los Estados Unidos
Cultura y literatura popular. Eds. José Manuel Estévez y Mercedes Arriaga. Sevilla: Artibel,
155 - 161
David Río
Basque American Literature
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature. Ed. Emmanuel Nelson. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press,
246 - 251
David Río
Robert Laxalt
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature. Ed. Emmanuel Nelson. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press,
1314 - 1316