
Most members in REWEST (Research in Western American Literature and Culture) have an extensive research experience within the field of Western American literature and culture. They have regularly worked together since 1997, when their first research project, focused on the analysis of minority literatures in the United States, was carried out. One of the main aims of the group is the study of regional literary spaces and their global effect, with special attention to the American West. In fact, one of the general interests of the group is to consolidate and encourage new critical interests toward the American West as a growing fountain of quality literature, always heterogeneous and with a multicultural flair, which goes beyond regional and national US borders. The members of this group will pay special attention to those authors who have stood out due to their capacity to renew and revise the traditional imaginary of Western American literature.
In this regard, we note the need to examine not only the renewal of the Western imaginary in both literature and cinema, but also the cultural transfers among other disciplines, which we consider have not been paid enough attention, such as contemporary music, television, comic and other popular art forms produced in various formats (digital, pictorial, audiovisual, etc.).
Similarly, the project will observe the impact of the new definition of the West as a plural space, which is in a constant process of reinvention, from the viewpoint of diverse and varied disciplines, such as ecocriticism, gender, sociology, history, ethnic studies, cultural studies, etc... It is our aim to cover the plurality and diversity of the American West today. On the other hand, it will focus on the study of the American West as a global and transnational space, observing those literary and artistic works about the American West that arise from other geographical and cultural areas such as Europe in general and/or Latin America, among others.
The REWEST group has been recognized by the Basque Government as a consolidated group of the Basque University System for the period 2010-2012 (IT360-10), 2013-2015 (IT608-13), 2016-2021 (IT1026-16: "A" Group) and 2022-2025 (IT1565-22).