The HAEZI group

The HAEZI group includes researchers mainly from the areas of Developmental and Educational Psychology and Basic Psychology. It develops teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities in the study of neuropsychological development in the socio-emotional, motor and cognitive-linguistic areas throughout the life cycle (childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, adulthood and old age), with special emphasis on the influence of family and school contexts on developmental processes.
The group designs and validates instruments to assess the quality of the family context and psychological development, which provide empirical support for the design and subsequent validation of evidence-based intervention programs from the positive parenting (P+) approach. The focus is on the acquisition by families of competencies that promote healthy psychological development through scaffolding strategies and adaptive coping with stress and conflict.
Knowledge transfer activities include the training of professionals in the theoretical-methodological approach to P+, the multimedia dissemination of parenting messages aimed at the general population of families, and support to public and private institutions in the design of family policies that benefit the community and the mental health of the people who live in it.
At present, the group has the accreditation of consolidated group type A (IT1328-19) of the Basque University System, maintains collaborative relationships at national and international level with teaching and research institutions, with entities working in the area of family intervention and with political entities that promote family empowerment and the promotion of healthy psychological development as fundamental public health strategies.