
UNESCO Katedra eta Institutuak

Training and research platform which contributes to the renewal of the conceptual bases of a system which, against the traditional dichotomy "natural landscape" versus "cultural landscape", defends the synthesis between both and supports the simultaneous assessment of all elements that articulate the landscapes.

The Chair, within the training and research framework, promotes the renewals of the conceptual bases of the system supporting the entire assessment of the elements that articulate the landscapes.

Its main mission is to promote the coordination and entire management of the cultural, natural and immaterial heritage and social participation processes.


UNESCO Chair of World Linguistic Heritage

The UNESCO Chair of World Linguistic Heritage, of the UPV/EHU, aims at research, training, information and documentation work on the World Linguistic Heritage.

Objectives of the Chair

  • Promote and offer training on Linguistic Heritage (courses, seminars, conferences).
  • Conduct research on linguistic and cultural heritage.
  • Disseminate knowledge about the World Linguistic Heritage in the Basque Country and raise awareness of the need to preserve it.
  • To know the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Basque Country, and to promote research and training initiatives that achieve the most appropriate management of this heritage.
  • Collaborate with other entities in the Basque Country in initiatives related to the development of the Linguistic and Cultural Heritage.
  • Promote and strengthen cooperation between international organisations working in the area of Linguistic Heritage and develop training and exchange initiatives with these networks.


The Institute of Ancient Sciences (ICA/AZI) is a research institute owned by the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, dedicated both to research and teaching in the field of Antiquity, without forgetting to study the influence of antiquity in our time. The CAT investigates all aspects related to antiquity, developing and supporting those sections that fall within this extensive notion, especially those that materialize in our geographical and cultural environment forming the Antiquity of the Basque Country. It will also take into account research and teaching that is not properly developed in university faculties and departments.


The Social History Institute "Valentín de Foronda" is a university entity created to promote studies of social histories at the different levels of research, publication of sources and studies, contextual and methodological debate in which this discipline is developed, besides dealing with dissemination. To this end, it promotes the creation of teams of researchers and meetings between specialists, grants research and the holding of informative cycles, and organizes conferences, symposia, seminars and conferences. In this order, he maintains stable contacts with the agencies dealing with the same field of activities in the field of historiography.



Contact: Amaia Arranz Otaegui