

Abstracts of 600 - 800 words (excluding references) are invited for submission on EasyChair (the link will be soon available).

by the deadline of 31 May 2025 at 23:59 GMT

Abstracts should be in English. Abstracts in Basque with its translation into English will also be accepted.

Please note that all abstracts

  • must be submitted on EasyChair,
  • can not be submitted by email,
  • must be submitted as PDF files,
  • can not be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (name ending in .docx or .doc).

Only abstracts submitted to EasyChair in PDF format will be considered for review.

Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified by 30 June 2025 and will be required to expand it to a conference paper of 2000 - 3000 words, taking into account the comments by the Programme Committee, and to format it according to the FEL publication guidelines by 31 August 2025.

Only submissions relevant to the main themes of the conference will be considered for inclusion in the programme. The conference paper should provide a brief account of the context, the issue(s) studied, the methodology used, and relevant references, together with a mention of any major results, conclusions and implications.

The conference papers will be compiled as a Conference Book, which will be made available in the conference webpage.

Selected papers from the conference will be published as part of the FEL-Brill Endangered Languages Series by the leading international publisher Brill.

Important Dates

  • 31 May 2025: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • 30 June 2025: Selected authors informed
  • 31 August 2025: Deadline for conference papers
  • 22, 23, 24 October 2025: Conference dates
  • 25 October: Excursion

Contact address: