The Missing SDG. Endangered Languages and Sustainable Development

 Why is world shouting everywhere about sustainability but is decidedly mute on language? 

Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, are, in the words of the UN, “the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. They address “global challenges” which include eradicating poverty, ensuring good health and well-being, providing quality education, protecting the environment, upholding human rights, and promoting the rule of law, among others. However, languages are not explicitly mentioned, and the way in which culture is addressed remains very limited. As one linguist (Suzanne Romaine (2019: 41) put it, “language is the missing link in the global debate on sustainability”. 

Without linguistic diversity and the promotion of multilingualism, many communities, particularly minority, indigenous and marginalized groups, are excluded from decision-making processes and denied equal access to vital resources. The endangerment or extinction of languages is often a consequence of this exclusion, but it also escalates it. 

Main sub-themes include the topics below: 

  • Links between the maintenance and revitalisation of minority, endangered and indigenous languages and sustainable development. 
  • Practices of community-based and public institution initiatives that integrate both agendas. 
  • Prospects of the 2030 agenda and the inclusion of the linguistic and cultural issue.  
  • Proposal for a workable UN programme and document: Designing SDG 18 

The conference languages will be English and Basque. Simoultaneous interpretation will be provided. 

See more details here.