Dr. Asun Cantera López de Silanes
Industrial Engineer, specializing in Mechanics from the University of Navarra (1994) and PhD from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (2014). My doctoral thesis “Análisis del Comportamiento Mecánico de Laminados Cruzados Biestables”, directed by Dr. Faustino Mujika received the international award granted by the Federación Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica (FEIBIM, 2015). Positive evaluation of six-year research period (2009-2014) and two five-year teaching periods (2006-2015).
I have developed professional activity both in private companies (Fundial, Uribesalgo, Alumafel Group) and in the public sector (Basque Government). I am currently Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa, I teach the subject Applied Mechanics in the 2nd year of the degree of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Electricity. I have done academic stays (3 months 2012-2013) at Université de Pau et Des Pays de L'Adour (UPPA).
During these years I have done research stays at the University of Reno (USA 2 months 2015, 2016) under the supervision of Professors Ronald F Gibson, and F. Gordaninejad, at the University of Bristol (Bristol Composites Institute) with Professor Michael Wisnom (2016, 5 months) thanks to the grant of the Ministry “José Castillejo” (JC2015-00148). I belong to the research group 'Materials + Technologies' / Mechanics of Materials at the University of the Basque Country. I am a peer reviewer in international indexed journals. My research activity is oriented to the modeling and mechanical characterization of continuous fiber composites. In recent years I have focused on nonlinearity modeling processes, fracture mechanics and Weibull parameter estimation.
- E-mail: asun.cantera@ehu.eus
- Research profile: ORCID