Dr. Ana Boyano Murillo
Industrial Engineer and PhD from the University of the Basque Country. Currently Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz. My teaching activity consists of teaching the subjects Elasticity and Strength of Materials in the Mechanical Engineering Bacherlo´s Degree, FEM Simulation and Analysis in Automotive for the Bachelor’s Degree in Automotive Engineering, and FEM Simulation and Optimization of Industrial Components in the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence Applied to Industry and Computer-Aided Engineering.
Regarding research, I belong to the Mechanics of Materials Research Group, MecMat, at the University of the Basque Country. The research line in which I am currently working is the analysis of interlaminar fracture of continuous fiber composites.
- E-mail: ana.boyano@ehu.eus
- Research profile: ORCID