ALGLIN: C linear algebra library

ALGLIN is a library of functions for linear algebra written in C from scratch by Igor Fernández de Bustos.

The development includes the LDU factorization (with both full and Rook pivoting strategies, and including null and image spaces calculation and minimal least squares solution) published in:

  • I. Fernández de Bustos, V. García-Marina, G. Urkullu, M. Abasolo, An efficient LDU algorithm for the minimal least squares solution of linear systems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 344 (2018) 346-355. doi: 10.1016/

It also includes LDL factorization (with full pivoting) as published in:

  • I. Fernández de Bustos, J. Agirrebeitia, G. Ajuria, R. Ansola, An alternative full-pivoting algorithm for the factorization of indefinite symmetric matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 274 (2015) 44-57. doi: 10.1016/

In case of making use of the library for any publication, we would be grateful if the papers were cited.

Obviously, the library is provided assuming no responsibility. Mostly assured it is full of bugs and errors that may cause problems. Neither the authors nor the University they belong to accept any legal responsibility about them.
