

University Master’s degrees include internships at companies and institutions. These internships are regulated by cooperation agreements established between the University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU and said entities and can be either part of the curriculum or extracurricular in nature. Curricular internships are included in the syllabus. They are therefore compulsory and are treated in the same way as all other subjects. Extracurricular internships are voluntary and are calculated on the basis of the number of hours worked.

You can also complete your Master’s Graduation Assignment (MGA) in collaboration with a company or institution, working on real projects or ideas within that entity.

Internships (both curricular and extracurricular) are sometimes remunerated and sometimes not.

Anyone engaging in an internship or an MGA in a company or institution is covered by the EHU Ikasle Asegurua accident and medical care insurance policy. The insurance policy covers all of Spain and all students enrolled at the UPV/EHU. If the internship or MGA is carried out abroad, students must subscribe to the IBILI policy or take out an equivalent policy with a similar coverage.

Please see the corresponding website for information about the specific conditions of the internships offered by each Master’s degree course.