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Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Jose Mari Pastor González is Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism, where he began teaching on the 2007-2008 course. He teaches Press Writing and Interpretative Genres, on the Journalism Degree, and on the Masters in Multimedia Communication endorsed by the University of the Basque Country and EiTB. He began his career in the press on the weekly publication Anaitasuna (1981), and later published weekly articles in the newspaper Egin, and worked on ETB, Euskaldunon Egunkaria and Berria. As international editor of the last two newspapers, he travelled to various war zones throughout the world including Iraq, Palestine, Sahara, Algeria, and Ireland. His television experience helped him to complete his doctoral thesis on the news programme Gaur Egun. He has been awarded the Rikardo Arregi and Argia journalistic prizes. He combines teaching with work as a columnist on Berria and collaborator on the news programme Egunon Euskadi on ETB.

His research fields in the last five years include the following areas: 'Information on television' and 'Ethics and Information' .

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