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Knowledge area
Social Anthropology
Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

María Ruiz Torrado is an anthropologist and a doctor in Feminist and Gender Studies (UPV/EHU, 2016). Currently, she is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology (UPV/EHU).

After obtaining a bachelor’s in History (UPV/EHU, 2006) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (UPV/EHU, 2008), she completed a master’s in Feminist and Gender Studies (UPV/EHU, 2010). Later, she did her doctorate under the supervision of Mari Luz Esteban, with a Predoctoral Grant (Basque Government, 2013-2016). The result was her doctoral thesis Kartzela genero-erakunde bezala: genero-bereizkeriak, erresistentzia-praktikak eta agentzia Euskal Herrian espetxeratutako emakumeen artean (Prison as an gender institution: Gender discriminations, resistance practices and agency amongst women imprisoned in the Basque Country, 2016), in which she addresses the experiences of women imprisoned in the prisons of Araba/Álava, Martutene and Pamplona, emphasising the gender inequalities of incarceration and the resistance practices that women prisoners carry out to face up to these.

She is a member of AFIT (Antropologia Feminista Ikerketa Taldea) and the research networks Red GEISPE and SinRejas.

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