Analysing and identifying best practice in the planning, implementation and assessment of multilingual socio-educational programs.
Analysing scientific research on programmes that have the objective of developing multilingual abilities and verifying their conclusions with various socio-linguistic realities.
Analysing the development of multilingual education in relation to the socio-educational context.
Assessing educational programmes on multilingualism.
Designing and developing integrated multilingual programmes and curricula, based on scientifically tested principles, designed to achieve previously set educational objectives.
Designing and developing research projects on the multilingual socio-educational realities and applying the conclusions in order to improve and innovate within these realities.
Developing the ability to give courses and seminars on multilingualism and education to pre-service and in-service teachers.
Enhancing the ability to diagnose and intervene in the development of multilingual education.
Incorporating into their work and reflecting in their scientific research a respect for fundamental rights and equal opportunities for men and women, the principles of equality of opportunity and universal accessibility for disabled people and the values typical of a democratic culture at peace.
Knowing, analysing, and critically interpreting the multilingual curricular designs of the current educational systems in relation to the different socio-cultural contexts and objectives that exist in different countries.
Transmitting the scientific knowledge derived from research into multilingualism and education, in both written form and orally, to the scientific community, to their professional environment and to society as a whole.
Understanding, analysing and assessing linguistic planning models and strategies in different multilingual European contexts.