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Knowledge area
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering - Gipuzkoa
Electronic mail

Industrial Engineer (1993), specialising in electricity, from the University of Navarra (TECNUN), Master in Technology and Environmental Management (2001) from the UPV/EHU, PhD with European Mention (2014), from the UPV/EHU with a thesis entitled Grid Integration of Wind to Hydrogen Hybrid Systems: Modeling and Operation.

Basque Government research grant in Ikerlan (1996-1997), Software Development Technician in the R+D+i Department of Fagor Automotion (1998-2000). Professor at the UPV/EHU in the Department of Electrical Engineering since 2002. He teaches different subjects in the three degrees of Industrial Engineering of the School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa (EIG-GIE Donostia) as well as a subject in the Master's Degree in Control of Smartgrids and Distributed Generation.

His research trajectory has focused on the integration of renewable generation sources with energy storage systems and their integration into the electrical power system. Currently, her scientific-technical interests are directed towards distributed generation, smart grids and the transport and distribution of electrical energy.

In the CV you can see the most important publications and research projects of public tender and research contracts with private companies in which he has participated.

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