Passing an external internship and TFM is mandatory and involves 750 hours in a company, technological centre or collaborating entity.
Institutions with cooperation agreements
- Ariadna Instruments S.L.
- Epic Power Converters S.L.
- IK4-Research Aliance (Centro Tecnológico)
- Indar Electric S.L.
- Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias ITC
- Nexeya France
- ORONA - Sociedad Cooperativa - Gipuzkoa
- Orona EIC
- Vicerrectorado del Campus de Gipuzkoa
- ZIV Aplicaciones y Tecnología S.L.
- eXDCi Solutions
Institutions offering internships
Number of hours: Minimum 450 hours
For more information contact: Josean Cortajarena Echeverria (