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Dynamic modelling of distributed generation sources

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

Distributed generation, also called on-site generation or decentralized generation, is the term for generation of electricity from sources that are near the point of consumption, as opposed to centralized generation sources such as large utility-owned power plants.

Common distributed generation systems (DGS) include: Solar photovoltaic panels, small wind turbines, natural gas or hydrogen-fired fuel cells, combined heat and power (CHP) systems, biomass combustion, internal combustion (IC) small systems, gas microturbines, micro hydropower and marine energy.

Various technical and economic issues occur in the integration of these resources into a grid. Technical problems arise in the areas of power quality, voltage stability, harmonics, reliability, protection, and control. In order to face all these problems, good knowledge and modeling of DGSs for a subsequent management and control is a key matter.

In this subject some of the most common DGSs will be studied in order to develop the models that will allow to study the performance of them under dynamic situations.

In the event that the sanitary conditions prevent the realization of a teaching activity and / or face-to-face evaluation, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated of which the students will be informed promptly.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
ALBIZU FLOREZ, IGORUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorBilingualElectrical
UGARTEMENDIA DE LA IGLESIA, JUAN JOSEUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Colaborador De Escuela UniversitariaDoctorBilingualElectrical


Students should have updated knowledge about the advanced working techniques and methodologies related to the field of Smartgrids and distributed generation, particularly from the point of view of their control. 5.0 %
Awareness and application of the concepts and specifications of Smartgrids, their topologies, constituent components and basic dimensioning. 5.0 %
Establishing dynamic models of the different components of Smartgrids, particularly different Distributed Generation units. 40.0 %
Design of control laws locally for the different components of Smartgrids, particularly Distributed Generation units. 5.0 %
Evaluating and validating models and drivers of different components of Smartgrids, through simulations and experimental testing, using different computing and prototyping tools. 30.0 %
Students should be able to communicate about the projects carried out working in multidisciplinary and multilingual national and international teams of professionals and researchers operating in the field of Smartgrids. 10.0 %
Students should be trained to understand and analyse technical documents, standards and scientific articles on the topic of the Master, and to apply them in the creation of work and research related to the field of Smartgrids. 5.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied classroom-based groups101525
Applied computer-based groups101525

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Acquiring basic instrumental skills12.066 %
Application Workshops6.0100 %
Drawing up reports and presentations24.00 %
Exercises4.0100 %
Expositive classes12.0100 %
Presentation of projects0.00 %
Systematised study15.00 %
Tutorials2.00 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
OTROS0.0 % 30.0 %
Practical tasks20.0 % 70.0 %
Written examination30.0 % 60.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

Sorkuntza banatuko iturrien ereduei buruzko talde-lanak egitea, ingelesa komunikazio-hizkuntza gisa erabilita.

Sorkuntza banatuko iturrien eredu dinamikoak garatzea, software edo programazio-lengoaia egokiak erabilita.

Laborategiko esperimentu praktikoak taldean egitea, mundu errealeko osagaiekin edo sorkuntza banatuko iturrien eskalan.

Sorkuntza banatuko iturrien eredu dinamikoei kontrol-estrategia errazak aplikatzea.

Sorkuntza banatuko iturrien modelizazioari eta kontrolari buruzko artikulu zientifikoak aztertzea.

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation


The evaluation is of ongoing type. It is why it is compulsory to be present in class. The subject is assessed mainly from 4 different activities, according to next weighting:

Preparation of flipped classroom sessions: 10%

Individual exercises and practical cases during the course: 30%

Reports of applied laboratory practices: 20%

Final exam: 40%

In order to enhance the learning of theoretical knowledge, some of the lectures will be ordered with flipped classroom sessions, where students will be more actively involved in the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. Based on the didactic material provided by the lecturer (documents, videos, web pages, etc), it will be the student who will start learning by himself/herself previously the lectures of each topic.

During the course, students must solve proposed exercises, practical cases and make written reports. This will allow a follow-up of the learning process of the students and a continuous evaluation. Students who do not submit the exercises, practical cases and reports will be evaluated with a zero in these activities.

The exam of the ordinary call will count for 40% of the final mark. In order to be able to do the average of the subject with the remaining parts, it will be compulsory to obtain a minimum of 4 in this exam.

Declining to sit: not attending the final exam in the ordinary call will imply declining to sit said exam. In this case, the grade will be "Non Attendance".

A minimum mark of 5 is required to pass the course.


According to Chapter II, Article 8 of the Evaluation Regulations which regulates the assessment of students in the official degrees, the students shall have the right to be evaluated by means of the FINAL EVALUATION SYSTEM, independently of the fact that has or has not participated in the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION SYSTEM. In order to do so, interested students must submit a written waiver of continuous evaluation to the lecturer in charge of the subject NO LATER THAN 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE FINAL EXAM. In this case, the student will be assessed with a single final exam. This final evaluation test will consist on AN ORAL EXAM related to the skills that the students have to acquire in the subject.


Declining to sit: not attending the final exam in the ordinary call will imply declining to sit said exam. In this case, the grade will be "Non Attendance".

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

The criteria and weighting of this call will be the same as that of the ordinary call.


Declining to sit: not attending the final exam in the extraordinary call will imply declining to sit said exam. In this case, the grade will be "Non Attendance".


Topic 1. Dynamic modeling, simulated and experimental testing of fuel cells.

Topic 2. Dynamic modeling, simulated and experimental testing of photovoltaic panels.

Topic 3. Dynamic modeling and simulated testing of micro-hydro power systems.

Topic 4. Dynamic modeling and simulated testing of the internal combustion alternator group.

Topic 5. Dynamic modeling and simulated testing of marine energy conversion systems.


Compulsory materials

Documentation uploaded to the web page of the subject. Accessible at:

Basic bibliography

R.A. Messenger, A. Abtahi. Photovoltaic Systems Engineering CRC Press New York 2017.

G. Petrone, C.A. Ramos-Paja, G. Spaguolo. Photovoltaic Systms Modeling. John Wiley 2017.

J. Larminie, A. Dicks. Fuel Cell Systems Explained. John Wiley 2003.

H. Nehrir, C. Wang. Modeling and Control of Fuel Cells: Distributed Generation Applications. John Wiley 2009.

A. Pecher, J.P. Kofoed. Handbook of Ocean Wave Energy. Springer 2017

M. Folley. Numerical modeling of Wave Energy Converters. Elsevier 2016

In-depth bibliography

T. Markvart, L. Castañer. Practical handbook of photovoltaics: fundamentals and applications. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford: 2003.

L. Castañer, S. Silvestre. Modelling Photovoltaic Systems using Pspice. Ed. John Wiley & sons, Ltd, Chichester: 2002.

G. D.J. Harper. Fuel cell projects for the evil genius. Ed. Mc Graw Hill, New York: 2008.

K. Z. Yao et. al. A review of mathematical models for hydrogen and direct methanol polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Fuel Cells, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 3-29, Weinheim: 2004.

RETScreen International (Clean energy decision support centre). Small hydro project analisys chapter. Minister od Natural Resources of Canada: 2001-2004.

H. Fang et al. Basic Modeling and Simulation Tool for Analysis of Hydraulic Transients in Hydroelectric Power Plants. Trans. on energy Conversion, vol 23, no 3, pp. 834-841, 2008.

C. Li, J. Zhou. Parameters identification of hydraulic turbine governing system using improved gravitational search algorithm. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 52, pp. 374-381, 2011.

D. Andrews. National Grid's use of emergency diesel standby generators in dealing with grid intermittency, Open Iniversity Conference on Intermittency, 2006.

Falnes J. A review of wave-energy extraction. Marine Structures, 2007

Cummins, WE. The Impulse Response Function and Ship Motions. Schiffstechnik, vol 9, pp. 101-109, 1962.


Renewable Energy (Elsevier)

Applied Energy (Elsevier)

Photovoltaics Bulletin (Elsevier)

Fuel Cells Bulletin (Elsevier)

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

IET Renewable Power Generation

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


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