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Knowledge area
Computer Languages and Systems
Computer Languages and Systems
Faculty of Informatics
Electronic mail

Ramon y Cajal researcher at IXA group and HiTZ center from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science at City University London (2007) and has since been working on Natural Language Processing at the University of Birmingham (UK), at the MAVIR consortium at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Furthermore, he had a stint in the industry (Vicomtech-IK4) where he led several industrial projects. He has help to write and participated in more than 20 research projects, such as E-DRAMA and ATT-META (funded by the EPSRC and ESRC UK research councils), MAVIR Consortium (Comunidad de Madrid), Berbatek (Basque Government), TUNER and CrossText (Spanish Ministry of Science), OPENER and NEWSREADER (EU Commission). Technical coordinator of the European project SUMAT, awarded a Torres Quevedo Research Fellowship, PI of an H2020 OPENMINTED Call Phase II project and of the MINECO DeepReading and ANTIDOTE projects.

Invited to present my work at top IJCAI 2017 and 2020 conferences (journal track). Currently my research is focused on semantic processing, information extraction, opinion mining and disinformation detection, topics on which I have published more than 60 peer-reviewed papers at the main journals (Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-Based Systems…) and conferences (ACL, IJCAI…) on Natural Language Processing. I am now interested in addressing those topics by generation approaches.

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