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Knowledge area
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Jose Antonio Urigüen graduated in 2005 as Telecommunications Engineer from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He holds a PhD in Telecommunications (2013) from Imperial College university, London, where he had also conducted an MSc in Communications and Signal Processing (2009).

Nowadays, he is Assistant Professor at the University of the Basque Country, at the Applied Mathematics Department, where he has been lecturing from 2022. He is also part of the research Group in Signals and Communications (GSC) at the same university since 2021.

Jose Antonio is author of a series of journal, conference papers and book chapters related to sampling theory, signal processing and biomedical signal processing applied to finding relevant markers representative of certain neurodegenerative diseases. As of today, he is an active researcher in two different areas: the study of partial discharge signals that occur in high-voltage facilities within the generation or distribution network of electrical companies; and the design and development of advanced digital signal processing techniques for capnography recordings taken during cardiopulmonary resuscitation events.

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