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Knowledge area
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

BS in Chemistry (1987), MS degree in Macromolecules (1989) by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Ph. D. by Université Bordeaux1, France (1994). Post doctoral researcher with Prof. Robert E. Prud'homme at Laval University (Québec Canada) in 1995-1996. Since 1996 his carrier has developed at UPV/EHU. At present he is professor in the area of knowledge of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at Bilbao School of Engineering.

Director of ZIBIO research group, ranked top A in the Basque university system. Committed to Science and Engineering of Polymeric Biomaterials. POLYMAT group. He has directed 16 doctoral theses, and more than 50 projects in the field for students, including master theses and engineering degree works, in four languages (Basque, Spanish, English, French).

He has obtained and participated as principal investigator in more than 30 research projects with Europe, Spain state, regional Basque grants or private funding. He has co-authored more than 140 scientific publications including research papers in top ranked journals and book chapters of polymer science, biomaterials and biomedical engineering. Speaker in congresses, both national and international, in total more than 100 contributions. 4 six-year-research recognitions by CNEAI. Research lines in the field of Bioabsorbable polymer systems for medical implants, drug delivery and tissue engineering.

He is founder and promoter partner of the university spinoff POLIMERBIO

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