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Cristina Miranda de Almeida holds a European Doctorate in Art (UPV/EHU 2005), a Bachelor of Fine Arts (UPV/EHU, 2000) and a Degree in Architecture (USU, Rio de Janeiro), a Master in Industrial Design (DZ-BAI, Bilbao) and a Specialization in Territorial Planning and Urbanism (Fundicot Madrid/University of Valencia; IBAM, RJ, Brazil). She is currently affiliated to the University of the Basque Country, where she lectures in the Degree in Art and in the Degree in Creation and Design as well as the Master of Research in Contemporary Art, Increarte. She is a member of the Ikersoinu Research Group. She had postdoctoral stays at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3/UOC), Barcelona; McLuhan Program of Culture and Technology, University of Toronto and École Nationale Supérieure de Beaux-Arts, Paris. She is a Research Fellow at Mediaccions/Universidad Oberta de Catalunya and coordinator at Mediated City Research Programme, Bartlett School of Architecture, London. Her research focuses on (1) hybrid art and (2) collaborative and interdisciplinary art (SEAD, digital commons). She participated in the research projects Sharing Society (PI B. Tejerina, Mineco-CSO2016-78107-R) and Space Transversality. Art, materials and technological process (PI M.J. Cueto, EHU16/35). She has been guest speaker in Seville, Bilbao, Frankfurt, Essen, London and Prague among other universities. Her art creation has been exhibited internationally.

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