Being able to differentiate between the nutritional characteristics of specific groups of people (children, teenagers, elderly people, and athletes).
Identifying the typical alterations of nutritional pathologies and integrating them into Clinical Nutrition.
a) The ability to manage information; b) The ability to analyse and summarise; c) The ability to organise and plan; d) Problem solving; e) Decision making.
a) Critical reasoning; b) Ethical commitment; c) Teamwork.
a) Motivated by quality; b) Creativity; c) Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
Knowing how to analyse and evaluate nutritional risks.
Knowing how to create strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities through eating. Establishing healthy eating habits.
Knowing how to design research projects with nutritional objectives, direct and interpret them and disseminate the results based on scientific literature.
Knowing how to identify the factors that influence nutrition.